Tag: Python

Book review: Exercises in Programming Style by Cristina Videira Lopes

exercises_in_programming_styleRecently our CIO has allowed us to claim one technical book per quarter on expenses as part of our continuing professional development. Needless to say since I was buying these books already I leapt at the opportunity! The first fruit of this policy is Exercises in Programming Style by Cristina Videira Lopes.

The book is modelled on Raymond Queneau’s book Exercises in Style which writes the same story in 99 different ways.

Exercises in Programming Style takes a simple exercise: counting the frequency of words in a file and reporting the top 25 words, and writes a program to do this in forty different styles spread across 10 sections.

The sections are historical, basic styles, function composition, objects and object interaction, reflection and metaprogramming, adversity, data-centric, concurrency, interactivity, and neural networks. The section on neural networks breaks the pattern with example programmes only handling small elements of the word frequency problem. The sections vary in size, the objects and object interaction is the largest.

Lopes talks about styles in terms of constraints, for example in the "Good old times" historical style there are no named variables and limited memory, in the "Letterbox" style objects pass messages to one another to prompt actions.

The shortest implementation of the example is in the "Code Golf" chapter with just six lines, other examples run to a couple of pages – a hundred lines or so. Lopes is somewhat opinionated as to style but quite balanced providing reasoning where unusual styles may be appropriate. This was most striking for me in the section on "Adversity" which discussed error-handling. Lopes suggests that a "Passive Aggressive" style with error handling all occurring at the top level in a try-except block is better than my error handling to date which has been more in the "Constructivist" (trapping errors but proceeding with defaults) or "Tantrum"(catching errors and refusing to proceed) style.

Sometimes the fit to the style format feels slightly forced, in particular in the chapters relating to neural networks but in the Data-Centric chapter I learnt how to implement spreadsheet-like functionality in Python which is interesting.

I’ve been programming for about 40 years but as a physical scientist analysing data or trying out numerical models rather than a professional developer. Exercises  brings together many bits and pieces of things I’ve learnt, often in the context of different languages. For a while I’ve had the feeling that I didn’t need to learn new languages, I needed to learn how to apply new techniques in my favoured language (Python) and this book does exactly that.

Once again I was bemused to see Python’s "gentleman’s agreement" methodology over certain matters. By convention methods of a class whose name start with an underscore are considered private but this isn’t enforced so if you really want to use a "private" method just go ahead. Similarly many object-oriented languages support a "this" keyword for the members of a class to refer to themselves. Python uses "self" but only by convention, you can specify "self" is "me" or whatever other name you please. The style format provides a nice way of demonstrating a feature of Python in a non-trivial but minimal functioning manner.

It is somewhat chastening to discover that many of the styles in this book had their abstract origins in the 1960s, shortly before I was born, entered experimental languages such as Smalltalk in the seventies where I would have read about them in computer magazines and became mainstream in the eighties and nineties in languages like C++, Java and Python, not long after the start of my programming career. Essentially, most of the action in this book has taken place during my lifetime! In physics we are used to the figures in our eponymous laws (Newton, Maxwell etc) being very long dead. In computing the same does not apply.

What I take away from Exercises is that to a fair degree modern programming languages can be used to implement a wide range of the ideas generated in computer science over the last 50 or so years so in improving your skill as a programmer learning new languages is not the highest priority. There is a benefit to learning new techniques in a language in which your are familiar. Clearly some languages are designed heavily to support a certain style, for example Haskell and functional programming but I found it easier to understand monads explained in the context of Python than in Haskell where everything was alien.

Exercises is surprisingly readable, the programs are well-documented and Lopes’ text is short but clear with references to further reading. It stands alongside Seven databases in Seven Weeks by Eric Redmond and Jim R. Wilson as a book that I will rave about and recommend to everyone!

Unit testing in Python using the unittest module

The aim of this blog post is to capture some simple “recipes” on testing code in Python that I can return to in the future. I thought it would also be worth sharing some of my thinking around testing more widely. The code in this GitHub gist illustrates the testing features I mention below.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
Some exercising of Python test functionality based on:
Generating tests dynamically with unittest
Supressing log output to console:
The tests in this file are run using:
./tests.py -v
Ian Hopkinson 2020-11-18
import unittest
import logging
def factorial(n):
"""Return the factorial of n, an exact integer >= 0.
>>> [factorial(n) for n in range(6)]
[1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120]
>>> factorial(30)
>>> factorial(-1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: n must be >= 0
Factorials of floats are OK, but the float must be an exact integer:
>>> factorial(30.1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: n must be exact integer
>>> factorial(30.0)
It must also not be ridiculously large:
>>> factorial(1e100)
Traceback (most recent call last):
OverflowError: n too large
import math
if not n >= 0:
raise ValueError("n must be >= 0")
if math.floor(n) != n:
raise ValueError("n must be exact integer")
if n+1 == n: # catch a value like 1e300
raise OverflowError("n too large")
result = 1
factor = 2
while factor <= n:
result *= factor
factor += 1
return result
class TestFactorial(unittest.TestCase):
test_cases = [(0, 1, "zero"),
(1, 1, "one"),
(2, 2, "two"),
(3, 5, "three"), # should be 6
(4, 24, "four"), # should be 24
(5, 120, "five")]
def test_that_factorial_30(self):
self.assertEqual(factorial(30), 265252859812191058636308480000000)
def test_that_factorial_argument_is_positive(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
def test_that_a_list_of_factorials_is_calculated_correctly(self):
# nosetests does not run subTests correctly:
# It does not report which case fails, and stops on failure
for test_case in self.test_cases:
with self.subTest(msg=test_case[2]):
print("Running test {}".format(test_case[2]), flush=True)
logging.info("Running test {}".format(test_case[2]))
self.assertEqual(factorial(test_case[0]), test_case[1], "Failure on {}".format(test_case[2]))
@unittest.skip("demonstrating skipping")
def test_nothing(self):
self.fail("shouldn't happen")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Doctests will run if they are invoked before unittest but not vice versa
# nosetest will only invoke the unittests by default
import doctest
# If you want your generated tests to be separate named tests then do this
# This is from https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2014/04/02/dynamically-generating-python-test-cases
def make_test_function(description, a, b):
def test(self):
self.assertEqual(factorial(a), b, description)
return test
testsmap = {
'test_one_factorial': [1, 1],
'test_two_factorial': [2, 3],
'test_three_factorial': [3, 6]}
for name, params in testsmap.items():
test_func = make_test_function(name, params[0], params[1])
setattr(TestFactorial, 'test_{0}'.format(name), test_func)
# This supresses logging output to console, like the –nologcapture flag in nosetests
logging.getLogger().propagate = False
# Finally we run the tests
unittest.main(buffer=True) # supresses print output, like –nocapture in nosetests or you can use -b
view raw tests.py hosted with ❤ by GitHub

My journey with more formal code testing started about 10 years ago when I was programming in Matlab. It only really picked up a couple of years later when I moved to work at a software startup, coding in Python. I’ve read a couple of books on testing (BDD in action by John Ferguson Smart, Test-Driven Development with Python by Harry J.W. Percival) as well as Working effectively with legacy code by Michael C. Feathers which talks quite a lot about testing. I wrote a blog post a number of years ago about testing in Python when I had just embarked on the testing journey.

As it stands I now use unit testing fairly regularly although the test coverage in my code is not great.

Python has two built-in mechanisms for carrying out tests, the doctest and the unittest modules. Doctests are added as comments to the top of function definitions (see lines 27-51 in the gist above). They are run either by adding calling doctest.testmod() in a script, or adding doctest to a Python commandline as shown below.

python -m doctest -v tests.py

Personally I’ve never used doctest – I don’t like the way the tests are scattered around the code rather than being in one place, and the “replicating the REPL” seems a fragile process but I include them here for completeness.

That leaves us with the unittest module. In Python it is not unusual use a 3rd party testing library which runs on top of unittest, popular choices include nosetests and, more recently, pytest. These typically offer syntactic sugar in terms of making tests slightly easier to code, and read. There is also additional functionality in writing and running test suites. Unittest is based on the Java testing framework, Junit, as such it inherits an object-oriented approach that demands tests are methods of a class derived from unittest.TestCase. This is not particularly Pythonic, hence the popularity of 3rd party libraries.

I’ve used nosetest for a while, now but it looks like its use is no longer recommended since it is no longer being developed. Pytest is the new favoured 3rd party library. Personally, I’m probably going to revert to writing tests using unittest. As a result of writing this blog post I will probably stop using nosetests as a test runner and simply use pure unittest.

The core of unittest is to call the function under test with a set of parameters, and check that the function returns the correct response. This is done using one of the assert* methods of the unittest.TestCase class. I nearly always end up using assertEquals. This is shown in minimal form in lines 67-76 above.

With data science work we often have a list of quite similar tests to run, calling the same function with a list of arguments and checking off the response against the expected value. Writing a function for each test case is a bit laborious, unittest has a couple of features to help with this:

  • subTest puts all the test cases into a single test function, and executes them all, reporting only those that fail (see lines 82-90). This is a compact approach but not verbose. Note that nosetests does not run subTest correctly, it being a a feature of unittest only introduced in Python 3.4 (2014);
  • alternatively we can use a functional programming trip to programmatically generate test functions and add them to the unittest.TestCase class we have derived, this is shown on lines 105-116;

Sometimes you write tests that you don’t always want to run either because they are slow to run, or because you used them in addressing a particular problem and now want to keep for the purposes of documentation but not to run. Decorators in unittest are used to skip tests, @unittest.skip() is the simplest of these, this is an “opt-out”.

Once you’ve written your tests then you need to run them. I liked using nosetests for this, if you ran it in a directory then it would trundle off and find any files that looked like they contained tests and run them, reporting back on the results of the tests.

Unittest has some test discovery functionality which I haven’t yet explored, the simplest way of invoking it is simply by running the script file using:

python tests.py -v

The -v flag indicates that output should be “verbose”, the name of each test is shown with a pass/fail status, and debug output if a test fails. By default unittest shows print messages from the test functions and the code being tested on the console, and also logging messages which can confuse test output. These can be supressed by running tests with the -b flag at the commandline or setting the buffer argument to True in the call to unittest.main(). Logging messages can be supressed by adding a NullHandler, as shown in the gist above on lines 188-119.

The only functionality I’ve used in nosetests and can’t do using pure unittest is re-running only those tests that failed. This limitation could be worked around using the -k commandline flag and using a naming convention to track those test still failing.

Not covered in this blog post are the setUp and tearDown methods which can be run before and after each test method.  

I hope you found this blog post useful, I found writing it helpful in clarifying my thoughts and I now have a single point of reference in future.

Type annotations in Python, an adventure with Visual Studio Code and Pylance

I’ve been a Python programmer pretty much full time for the last 7 or 8 years, so I keep an eye out for new tools to help me with this. I’ve been using Visual Studio Code for a while now, and I really like it. Microsoft have just announced Pylance, the new language server for Python in Visual Studio Code.

The language server provides language-sensitive help like spotting syntax errors, providing function definitions and so forth. Pylance is based on the type checking engine Pyright. Python is a dynamically typed language but recently has started to support type annotations. Dynamic typing means you don’t tell the interpreter what “type” a variable is (int, string and so forth) you just use it as such. This contrasts with statically typed languages where for every variable and function you define a type as you write your code. Type annotations are a halfway house, they are not used by the Python interpreter but they can be used by tools like Pylance to check code, making it more likely to run correctly on first go.

Pylance provides a range of “Intellisense” code improvement features, as well as type annotation based checks (which can be switched off).

I was interested to use the type annotations checking functionality since one of the pleasures of working with statically typed languages is that once you’ve satisfied your compiler that all of the types are right then it has a better chance of running correctly than a program in a dynamically typed language.

I will use the write_dictionary function in my little ihutilities library as an example here, this function is defined in the file io_utils.py. The appropriate type annotation for write_dictionary is:

def write_dictionary(filename: str, data: List[Dict[str,Any]], 
append:Optional[bool]=True, delimiter:Optional[str]=",") -> None:

Essentially each variable is followed by a colon, and then a type (i.e str). Certain types are imported from the typing library (Any, List, Optional and Dict in this instance). We supply the types of the elements of the list, or dictionary. The Any type allows for any type. The Optional keyword is used for optional parameters which can have a default value. The return type is put at the end after the ->. In a *.pyi file described below, the function body is replaced with ellipsis (…).

Actually the filename type hint shouldn’t be string but I can’t get the approved type of Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike] to work with Pylance at the moment.

As an aside Pylance spotted that two imports in the io_utils.py library were unused. Once I’d applied the type annotation to the function definition it inferred the types of variables in the code, and highlighted where there might be issues. A recurring theme was that I often returned a string or None from a function, Pylance indicated this would cause a problem if I tried to measure the length of None.

There a number of different ways of providing typing information, depending on your preference and whether you are looking at your own code, or at a 3rd party library:

  1. Types provided at definition in the source module – this is the simplest method, you just replace the function def line in the source module file with the type annotated one;
  2. Types provided in the source module by use of *.pyi files – you can also put the type-annotated function definition in a *.pyi file alongside the original file in the source module in the manner of a C header file. The *.pyi file needs to sit in the same directory as its *.py sibling. This definition takes precedence over a definition in the *.py file. The reason for using this route is that it does not bring incompatible syntax into the *.py files – non-compliant interpreters will simply ignore *.pyi files but it does clutter up your filespace. Also there is a risk of the *.py and *pyi becoming inconsistent;
  3. Stub files added to the destination project – if you import write_dictionary into a project Pylance will highlight that it cannot find a stub file for ihutilities and will offer to create one. This creates a `typings` subdirectory alongside the file on which this fix was executed, this contains a subdirectory called `ihutilities` in which there are files mirroring those in the ihutilities package but with the *.pyi extension i.e. __init__.pyi, io_utils.py, etc which you can modify appropriately;
  4. Types provided by stub-only packages PEP-0561 indicates a fourth route which is to load the type annotations from a separate, stub only, module.
  5. Types provided by Typeshed – Pyright uses Typeshedfor annotations for built-in and standard libraries, as well as some popular third party libraries;

Type annotations were introduced in Python 3.5, in 2015, so are a relatively new language feature. Pyright is a little over a year old, and Pylance is a few days old. Unsurprisingly documentation in this area is relatively undeveloped. I found myself looking at the PEP (Python Enhancement Proposals) references as often as not to understand what was going on. If you want to see a list of relevant PEPs then there is a list on the Pyright README.md, I even added one myself.

Pylance is a definite improvement on the old Python language server which was itself more than adequate. I am currently undecided about type annotations, the combination of Pylance and type annotations caught some problems in my code which would only come to light in certain runtime circumstances. They seem to be a bit of an overhead which I suspect I would only use for frequently used library routines, and core code which gets run a lot and is noticeable by others when it fails. I might start by adding in some *.pyi files to my active projects.

The Logging module in Python

In the spirit of improving my software engineering practices I have been trying to make more use of the Python logging module. In common with many programmers my first instinct when debugging a programming problem is to use print statements (or their local equivalent) to provide an insight into what my program is up to. Obviously, I should be making use of any debugger provided but there is something reassuring about the immediacy and simplicity of print.

A useful evolution of the print statement in Python is the logging module which can be used as a simple print function but it can do so much more: you can configure loggers for different packages and modules whose behaviour can be controlled centrally; you can vary the verbosity of your logging messages. If you decide to switch to logging to a file rather than the terminal this can be achieved too, and you can even post your log messages to a website using HTTPhandler. Obviously logging is about much more than debugging.

I am writing this blog post because, as most of us have discovered, using logging is not quite as straightforward as we were led to believe. In particular you might find yourself in the situation where you feel you have set up your logging yet when you run your code nothing appears in your terminal window. Print doesn’t do this to you!

Loggers are arranged in a hierarchy. Loggers have handlers which are the things that cause a log to generate output to a device. If no log is specified then a default log called the root log is used. A logger has a name and the hierarchy is defined by the dots in the name, all the way “up” to the root logger. Any logger can have a handler attached to it, if no handler is attached then any log message is passed to the parent logger.

A log record has a message (the thing you would have printed) and a “level” which indicates the severity of the message these are specified by integers for which the logging module provides convenient labels. The levels in order of severity are logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO, logging.WARNING, logging.ERROR, logging.CRITICAL. A log handler will output a message if the level of the message is equal to or more than the level it has been set to. So a handler set to WARNING will show messages at the WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL levels but not the INFO and DEBUG levels.

The simplest way to use the logging module is to import the library:

import logging

Then carry out some minimal configuration,


and then put logging.info statements in our code, just as we would have done with print statements:

logging.info("This is a log message that takes a parameter = {}".format(a_parameter_value))

logging.debug, logging.warning, logging.error and logging.critical are used to publish log messages with different levels of severity. These are all convenience methods which remove the need to explicitly give the level as found in the logging.log function:

logging.log(logging.INFO, "This is a log message")

If we are writing a module, or other code that we anticipate others importing and running then we should create a logger using logging.getLogger(__name__) but leave configuring it to the caller. In this instance we use the name of the logger we have created instead of the module level “logging”. So to publish a message we would do:

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

In the module importing this library you would do something like:

import some_library
# if you wanted to tweak the levels of another logger 
logger = logging.getLogger("some other logger")

basicConfig() configures the root logger which is where all messages end up in the absence of any other handler. The behaviour of logging.basicConfig() is downright obstructive at times. The core of the problem is that it can only be invoked once in a session, any future invocations are ignored. Worse than this it can be invoked implicitly. So if for example you do:

import logging

You’ll see a message because secretly logging has effectively run logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING) for you (or something similar). This means that if you were to then naively go ahead and run basicConfig yourself:


You would see no message when you subsequently ran logging.info(“Hello”) because the “second” invocation of logging.basicConfig is ignored.

We can explicitly set the properties of the root logger by doing:

root_logger = logging.getLogger()

You can debug issues like this by checking the handlers to a logger. If you do:

import logging
lgr = logging.getLogger()

You get the empty list []. Issue a logging.warning() message and you see that a handler has been added to the root logger, lgr.handlers() returns something like [<logging.StreamHandler at 0x44327f0>].

If you want to see a list of all the loggers in the hierarchy then do:


So there you go, the logging module is great – you should use it instead of print. But beware of the odd behaviour of logging.basicConfig() which I’ve spent most of this post griping about. This is mainly so that I have all my knowledge of logging in one place rather than trying to remember which piece of code I pulled off a particular trick.

I used the logging documentation here, blog posts by Fang (here) and Praveen Gollakota (here) and tab completion in the ipython REPL in the preparation of this post.

Book review: Essential SQLAlchemy by Jason Myers and Rick Copeland

sqlalchemyEssential SQLAlchemy by Jason Myers and Rick Copeland is a short book about the Python library SQLAlchemy which provides a programming interface to databases using the SQL query language. As with any software library there is ample online material on SQLAlchemy but I’m old-fashioned and like to buy a book.

SQL was one of those (many) things I was never taught as a scientific programmer, so I went off and read a book and blogged about it (rather more extensively than usual). It’s been a useful skill as I’ve moved away from the physical sciences to more data-oriented software development. As it stands I have a good theoretical knowledge of SQL and databases, and can write fairly sophisticated single table queries but my methodology for multi-table operations is stochastic.

I’m looking at using SQLAlchemy because it’s something I feel I should use, and people with far more experience than me recommend using it, or a similar system. Django, the web application framework, has its own ORM.

Essential SQLAlchemy is divided into three sections, on SQLAlchemy Core, SQL Alchemy ORM and Alembic. The first two represent the two main ways SQLAlchemy interacts with databases. The Core model is very much a way of writing SQL queries but with Pythonic syntax. I can see this having pros and cons. On the plus side I’ve seen SQLAlchemy used to write, succinctly, rather complex join queries. In addition, SQLAlchemy Core allows you to build queries conditionally which is possible by using string manipulation on standard queries but requires some careful thought which SQLAlchemy has done for you. SQLAlchemy allows you to abstract away the underlying database so that, in principle, you can switch from SQLite to PostgresQL seamlessly. In practice this is likely to be a bit fraught since different databases support different functionality. This becomes a problem when it becomes a problem. SQLAlchemy gives your Python programme a context for its queries which I can see being invaluable in checking queries for correctness and documenting the database the programme accesses. On the con side: I usually know what SQL query I want to write, so I don’t see great benefit in adding a layer of Python to write that query.

SQLAlchemy Object Relational Mapper (ORM)  is a different way of doing things. Rather than explicitly writing SQL-like statements we are invited to create classes which map to the database via SQLAlchemy. This leaves us to think about what we want our classes to do rather than worry too much about the database. This sounds fine in principle but I suspect the experienced SQL-user will know exactly what database schema they want to create.

Both the Core and ORM models allow the use of “reflection” to build the Pythonic structures from a pre-existing datatabase.

The third part of the book is on Alembic, a migrations manager for SQLAlchemy, which is installed separately. This automates the process of upgrading your database to a new schema (or downgrading it). You’d want to do this to preserve customer data in a transactional database storing orders or something like that. Here I learnt that SQLite does not have full ALTER TABLE functionality.

A useful pattern in both this book and in Test-driven Development is to wrap database calls in their own helper functions. This helps in testing but it also means that if you need to switch database backend or the library you are using for access then the impact is relatively low. I’ve gone some way to doing this in my own coding.

The sections on Core and ORM are almost word for word repeats with only small variations to account for the different syntax between the two methods. Although it may have a didactic value this is frustrating in a book already so short.

Reading this book has made me realise that the use I put SQL to is a little unusual. I typically use a database to provide convenient access to a dataset I’m interested in, so I do a one off upload of the data, apply indexes and then query. Once loaded the data doesn’t change. The datasets tend to be single tables with limited numbers of lookups which I typically store outside of the database. Updates or transactions are rare, and if I want a new schema then I typically restart from scratch. SQLite is very good for this application. SQLAlchemy, I think, comes into its own in more transactional, multi-table databases where Alembic is used to manage migrations.

Ultimately, I suspect SQLAlchemy does not make for a whole book by itself, hence the briefness of this one despite much repeated material. Perhaps, “SQL for Python Programmers” would work better, covering SQL in general and SQLAlchemy as a special case.