Category: Technology

Programming, gadgets (reviews thereof) and computers

A Docker environment for Windows (October 2015 edition)

This blog post provides an outline method for installing a nice environment for developing in Python using Docker on a Windows 10 machine. Hopefully I have provided sufficient of the error messages I encountered that both myself and others will find this post when in distress!

The past three years I’ve been working for ScraperWiki as a data scientist, this has meant a degree of coding in Python and interacting with my colleagues, and some customers, who use Linux (principally Ubuntu) or OS X. I have continued to use a Windows laptop. You can see my review of it here.

Until recently my setup was based on a core installation of Python and a whole bunch of handy libraries using Python(x,y). I also installed Git for Windows which gave me a shell prompt, and the command-line git commands along with some fraction of the bash environment. I also installed msysgit which provided further Linux style enhancements to my shell. I configured my shell so I could get ssh access to ScraperWiki servers in the cloud. For reasons I can’t recall I also installed ansicon.exe which gives the Windows Command prompt some of the colour highlighting of a modern shell prompt.

With this setup I could do most of what I needed from Windows, and if I had to I could fire up my Ubuntu VM and work in there. Typically I did this when I had some tricky libraries to install, or I wanted to be sure I could deploy onto ScraperWiki’s servers in the cloud. I never really got virtual environments working nicely on Windows – virtualenvwrapper, which makes such things, nicer is challenging to configure on Windows.

Students of this sort of thing will appreciate that the configuration described above is reached with a degree of trial and error, and a lot of Googling of error messages.

Times have changed and this setup was getting a bit long in the tooth, the environment around me was also changing – we started using Docker. I couldn’t get code using the Python requests library to run because of problems with SSL. Also, all the cool kids were talking about Python 3 and how new projects should all be in Python 3. I couldn’t work out how to add Python 3 to my Python(x,y) installation, and furthermore I was currently tied to 32-bit rather than 64-bit Python. ScraperWiki had recently done some work on making an easily deployable Python application and identified that the Anaconda Python distribution by ContinuumIO was the way to go.

Installing Python 3 and 2 using Anaconda

This worked very smoothly, there is an installer here. I had Python 3.4.3 (64-bit) working in the twinkling of an eye, and from my bash prompt I could now run that Python code which was previously broken due to OpenSSL problems. However, all was not rosy since it turns out my latest project was accidently Python 3 compatible, whilst my older projects were not. I therefore needed Python 2 as well. In principle, with Anaconda this is as simple as doing:

conda create -n python2 python=2.7 anaconda

and then

source activate python2

This puts you into a Python 2 virtual environment which will run your old code. However, it doesn’t work from the Git Bash prompt, you need to use a Windows Command prompt, as discussed here. But at least I now have the latest whizzy Python 3 installation and I can also run Python 2, when required. It’s worth noting that installing new libraries on Python under Windows has become rather easier with newer versions of pip, I believe due to the introduction of pip wheel. In the past installing some libraries was a pain because of a need to compile binary components.

Using Docker on Windows with Docker Toolbox and the Git SDK

The next task was to get support for Docker, the container system. You can find out more about Docker in my blog post here. Essentially it is a method for running an application in an isolation unit which is defined by a simple Dockerfile, largely removing problems of dependencies and versions. Docker is intrinsically a Linux technology, it relies on several deeply embedded components of the operating system and so does not run on Windows. However, you can boot up a very lightweight Linux-based VM and run Docker images on that from either Windows or OS X. Until recently this was done using boot2docker. The new way is to use the Docker Toolbox. I held off installing this until it became Windows 10 compatible since as a neophile I have obviously upgraded to Windows 10 at earliest opportunity. Docker Toolbox installs VirtualBox to run a VM to host Docker and Git for Windows to provide a bash shell prompt, as well as the Docker commandline tools.

I found installing Docker Toolbox relatively smooth although I had a problem with it finding ssh key files with an error message “open <filepath\ca.pem : The system cannot find the file specified” which was fixed by regenerating the key files:

docker-machine regenerate-certs default

But this alone does not give me the right workflow since ScraperWiki make heavy use of Make to build and run containers and Git for Windows does not come configured with Make. You can see this in action for the Simple API we made for the NewsReader Project. I used the Git for Windows SDK to provide Make and other build tools. This is designed for use by Git for Windows developers, it’s based on msys2 which I also tried to install but which errored on a couple of steps. The Git SDK is more verbose in its installation appeared to install cleanly.

Once we have Git for Windows SDK we need to use its git-bash to launch Docker Quickstart Terminal (rather than the version provided by the Toolbox), this means changing the command executed by the Docker Quickstart Terminal shortcut from:

"C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe" "C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\"


C:\git-sdk-64\git-bash.exe "C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\"

Update 2016-03-21: I modified to give the docker-machine binary an absolute path, this means I can launch a plain Git Bash shell and run the script later, if required. This change requires further modification to make sure paths were properly escaped. You can see my version of here:

Simply trying to run the Git SDK version of the make tool does not seem to work, you get an error like “unable to make temporary trusted Dockerfile”.

We’re into the final straight now!

My final problem was that when I tried to make my previously working application it failed with an error message:

IOError: [Errno 2] No usable temporary directory found in ['/tmp', '/var/tmp', '/usr/tmp', '/home/newsreader-demo']

The problem seems to be the way in which msys2 handles paths in Windows it needs to have two preceding //, rather than one, as described here. So all I need to do is change this line in my Makefile

@docker run -p 8000:8000 --read-only --rm --volume /tmp -e NEWSREADER_PUBLIC_API_KEY ianhopkinson/newsreader_demo

To this:

@docker run -p 8000:8000 --read-only --rm --volume //tmp -e NEWSREADER_PUBLIC_API_KEY ianhopkinson/newsreader_demo

Can you see what I did there?

Update 2015-10-14 – interactive shells into docker

If you try to get an interactive shell on a container then you get an error like:

cannot enable tty mode on non tty input

To avoid this you can use winpty:

winpty docker exec -i -t [CONTAINER_NAME] bash

There’s some discussion of this on the Docker Toolbox issue tracker

Update 2015-10-22 – Which Python are you using?

It turns out I was accidentally using the Python shipped with Git for Windows SDK, rather than the Anaconda version I had so carefully installed. I fixed this by adding this to my .profile file:

export PATH=/c/anaconda3/:$PATH

I didn’t spot it earlier because I checked Python version by running ipython rather than python.

Concluding thoughts

I wrote this partly in frustration at the amount of time I spent getting this all fixed up, and the fact that I couldn’t stop until I had fixed it. The scheme above worked for me but I suspect it is quicker and easier to do on a laptop with no history.

There’s no doubt that the situation is better than I found it 3 years ago but it is still a painful process involving much trial and error. Docker brings great benefits for developers, and once it is working makes sharing your work across multiple users very straightforward.

The London Underground – Can I walk it?

caniwalkitThere are tube strikes planned for 25th August 2015 and 28th August 2015 with disruption through the week. The nature of the London Underground means that it is not all obvious that walks between stations can be quite short. This blog post introduces a handy tool to help you work out “Can I walk it?

You can find the tool here:

To use it start by selecting the station you want to walk from, either by using the “Where am I?” dropdown or by clicking one of the coloured station symbols (or close to it). The map will then refresh, the station you selected is marked by a red disk, the stations within 1.5 miles of the starting station are marked by an orange disk and those more than 1.5 miles away are marked by a blue disk. 1.5 miles is my “walkable” threshold, it takes me about 25 minutes to walk that far. You can enter your own “walkable” threshold in the “I will walk” box and press refresh or select a new starting station to refresh the map.

The station markers will show the station names on mouseover, and the distances to the starting station once it has been selected.

This tool comes with no guarantees, the walking distances are estimated and these estimates may be faulty, particularly for river crossings. Weather conditions may make walking an unpleasant or unwise decision. The tool relies on the user to supply their own reasonable walking threshold. Your mileage may vary.

To give a little background to this project: I originally made this tool using Tableau. It was OK but tied to the Tableau Public platform. I felt it was a little slow and unresponsive. It followed some work I’d done visualising data relating to the London Underground which you can read about here.

As an exercise I thought I’d try to make a “Can I walk it?” web application, re-writing the original visualisation in JavaScript and Python. I’ve been involved with projects like this at ScraperWiki but never done the whole thing for myself. I used the leaflet.js library to provide the mapping, the Flask library in Python to serve the data, Boostrap to make it look okay and Docker containers on Digital Ocean to deploy the application.

The underlying data for this tool comes from Open Street Map, where the locations of all the London Underground stations are encoded as latitude and longitude. With this information in hand it is possible to calculate the distances between stations. Really I want the “walking distance” between stations rather than the crow flies distance which is what this data gives me. Ideally to get the walking distance I’d use Google Directions API but unfortunately this has a rate limit of 2500 calls per day and I need to make about 36000 calls to get all the data I need!

The code is open source and available in this BitBucket repository:

Comments and feedback are welcome!

Adventures in Kaggle: Forest Cover Type Prediction

This post was first published at ScraperWiki.

Regular readers of this blog will know I’ve read quite few machine learning books, now to put this learning into action. We’ve done some machine learning for clients but I thought it would be good to do something I could share. The Forest Cover Type Prediction challenge on Kaggle seemed to fit the bill. Kaggle is the self-styled home of data science, they host a variety of machine learning oriented competitions ranging from introductory, knowledge building (such as this one) to commercial ones with cash prizes for the winners.

In the Forest Cover Type Prediction challenge we are asked to predict the type of tree found on 30x30m squares of the Roosevelt National Forest in northern Colorado. The features we are given include the altitude at which the land is found, its aspect (direction it faces), various distances to features like roads, rivers and fire ignition points, soil types and so forth. We are provided with a training set of around 15,000 entries where the tree types are given (Aspen, Cottonwood, Douglas Fir and so forth) for each 30x30m square, and a test set for which we are to predict the tree type given the “features”. This test set runs to around 500,000 entries. This is a straightforward supervised machine learning “classification” problem.

The first step must be to poke about at the data, I did a lot of this in Tableau. The feature most obviously providing predictive power is the elevation, or altitude of the area of interest. This is shown in the figure below for the training set, we see Ponderosa Pine and Cottonwood predominating at lower altitudes transitioning to Aspen, Spruce/Fir and finally Krummholz at the highest altitudes. Reading in wikipedia we discover that Krummholz is not actually a species of tree, rather something that happens to trees of several species in the cold, windswept conditions found at high altitude.


Data inspection over I used the scikit-learn library in Python to predict tree type from features. scikit-learn makes it ridiculously easy to jump between classifier types, the interface for each classifier is the same so once you have one running swapping in another classifier is a matter of a couple of lines of code. I tried out a couple of variants of Support Vector Machines, decision trees, k-nearest neighbour, AdaBoost and the extremely randomised trees ensemble classifier (ExtraTrees). This last was best at classifying the training set.

The challenge is in mangling the data into the right shape and selecting the features to use, this is the sort of pragmatic knowledge learnt by experience rather than book-learning. As a long time data analyst I took the opportunity to try something: essentially my analysis programs would only run when the code had been committed to git source control and the SHA of the commit, its unique identifier, was stored with the analysis. This means that I can return to any analysis output and recreate it from scratch. Perhaps unexceptional for those with a strong software development background but a small novelty for a scientist.

Using a portion of the training set to do an evaluation it looked like I was going to do really well on the Kaggle leaderboard but on first uploading my competition solution things looked terrible! It turns out this was a common experience and is a result of the relative composition of the training and test sets. Put crudely the test set is biased to higher altitudes than the training set so using a classifier which has been trained on the unmodified training set leads to poorer results then expected based on measurements on a held back part of the training set. You can see the distribution of elevation in the test set below, and compare it with the training set above.


We can fix this problem by biasing the training set to more closely resemble the test set, I did this on the basis of the elevation. This eventually got me to 430 rank on the leaderboard, shown in the figure below. We can see here that I’m somewhere up the long shallow plateau of performance. There is a breakaway group of about 30 participants doing much better and at the bottom there are people who perhaps made large errors in analysis but got rescued by the robustness of machine learning algorithms (I speak from experience here!).


There is no doubt some mileage in tuning the parameters of the different classifiers and no doubt winning entries use more sophisticated approaches. scikit-learn does pretty well out of the box, and tuning it provides marginal improvement. We observed this in our earlier machine learning work too.

I have mixed feelings about the Kaggle competitions. The data is nicely laid out, the problems are interesting and it’s always fun to compete. They are a great way to dip your toes in semi-practical machine learning applications. The size of the awards mean it doesn’t make much sense to take part on a commercial basis.

However, the data are presented such as to exclude the use of domain knowledge, they are set up very much as machine learning challenges – look down the competitions and see how many of them feature obfuscated data likely for reasons of commercial confidence or to make a problem more “machine learning” and less subjectable to domain knowledge. To a physicist this is just a bit offensive.

If you are interested in a slightly untidy blow by blow account of my coding then it is available here in a Bitbucket Repo.


logo@2xI’ve discovered that my blog is actually a good place to put things I need to remember see, for example, my blog post on running Ubuntu in a VM on Windows 8.

In this spirit here are my notes on using git, the distributed version control system (DVCS). These are things I picked up around the office at ScraperWiki, I wrote something there about the scheme we use for Git. This is more a compendium of useful git commands.

I use Git on both Windows and Ubuntu and I have accounts with both GitHub and Bitbucket. I’ve configured ssh on my Windows and Ubuntu machines and use that for authentication. I Windows I interact with Git using Git Bash.


On installing Git I do the following setup, obviously using my own name and email:

git config --global "John Doe"
git config --global [email protected]
git config --global core.editor vim

I can list my config settings using:

git config -l

Starting a repo

To start a new repo we do:

git init

These days I feel bereft if I’m not “pushing” my local repository to an online repository like GitHub or BitBucket. To add a remote repository create one using the service of your choice which will probably ask you to do:

git remote add origin [url]

Alternatively you can clone an existing repository into a subdirectory of your current directory with the name of the repo:

git clone [url]

This one clones into current directory, making a mess if that’s not what you intended!

git clone [url] .

A variant, if you are using a repo with submodules in it, :

git clone –recursive [url]

If you forgot to do the above on first cloning then you can do:

git submodule update –init

Adding and committing files

If you’ve started a new repository then need to add some files to track:

git add [filename]

You don’t have to commit all the changes you made since the last commit, you can select them using the -p option

git add –p

And commit them to the repository with a commit command like:

git commit –m [message]

Alternatively you can add the commit message in your favoured editor with the difference from previous commit shown below:

git commit –a –v

I tend to use an remote repository as a backup so I regularly do:

git push origin HEAD

If someone else is working on the same repository as you then things get more complicated but that’s out of the scope of this post.

Undoing things

If you get your commit message wrong you can edit it with:

git commit --amend

If you decide you change your mind about staging a file for commit:

git reset HEAD [filename]

If you change your mind about the modifications you have made to a file since the last commit then you can revert to the last commit using this **destructive** command:

git checkout -- [filename]

You should be careful doing that since it will obliterate any changes you’ve made to a file, even if you saved them from the editor.

Working out where you are

You can list files in the repo with:

git ls-tree --full-tree -r HEAD

The general command for seeing what is going on is:

git status

This tells you if you have made edits which have not been staged, which branch you are on and files which are not being tracked. Whilst you are working you can see the difference from the previous commit using:

git diff

If you’ve already added files to commit then you need to do:

git diff –cached

You can see a list of all your changes using:

git log

This command gives you more information, in a more compact form:

git log --oneline --graph --decorate

is a good way of seeing the status of your branch and the other branches in the repository. I have aliased this log set of options as:

git lg

To do this I added the following to my ~/.gitconfig file:

        lg = log --oneline --graph --decorate

Once you’ve commited a bunch of changes you might want to push them to a remote server. This pushes to the remote called origin, and HEAD ensures you push to your current branch. HEAD is Git’s shorthand for the latest commit on the current branch:

git push origin HEAD


The proceeding commands are how you’d work using a single master branch, if you were working alone on something simple, for example. If you are working with other people or on something more complicated then you probably want to work on a branch, you can make a new branch by doing:

git checkout –b [branch name]

You can find out what other branches are available by doing:

git branch –v -a

Once you are on a branch you can commit changes, and push them onto your remote server, just as if you were on the master branch.

Merging and rebasing

The excitement comes when you want to merge your changes onto the master branch or you want to get changes on your own branch made by someone else and pushed to the remote reposition. The quick and dirty way to do this is using

git pull

This does a fetch and merge all at the same time. The better way is to fetch the changes and then merge them:

git fetch –prune –all
git merge origin/master

If you are working with someone else then you may prefer to merge changes onto the master branch by making a pull request on GitHub or BitBucket.

Accepting Pull Requests from Forks

If someone makes a Pull Request based on their forked copy of a repo then you can download for testing by doing:

git fetch origin pull/ID/head:BRANCHNAME

To infinity and beyond! Or how I replaced my hard disk with an SSD

Samsung840ProNearly two years ago I bought a Sony Vaio T13 laptop as my combined work and home main computer. It’s a nice piece of kit and has served me well. When I bought it I commented that I’d like to have had an SSD drive rather than the conventional 500GB “spinning rust” hybrid drive with which it came. At the time specifying a 512GB SSD from the outset was eyewateringly expensive.

Nearly 2 years later I finally got around to making the upgrade! And it was remarkably straightforward. Largely through laziness I went for the 512GB SSD drive I’d identified nearly two years ago – the Samsung 840 Pro, the price had dropped from something like £450 to £230. There are cheaper options, down to about £150 but I’m already saving money if the Pro started at £450* ;-)

The drive itself is rather insubstantial, turning up in a padded envelope that just doesn’t feel heavy enough. It comes with a CD containing Data Migration software and some wizard diagnostic software. The migration software clones your current hard drive to the new SSD. You need to get a SATA to USB adaptor, like this one, to do this. Cloning my drive took about 5 hours but I need to decrypt it first which was a 24 hour or so job – my drive was encrypted with Bitlocker.

With SSD containing contents of original drive cloned on to it in hand, all that is required is to open up laptop and swap the drives over. This turns out to be really easy on the Vaio: unscrew battery, unscrew drive compartment cover, unscrew drive cage from from laptop, remove old hard drive, remove drive cage from old drive, put drive cage on new drive and then repeat steps to remove old drive in reverse to install new drive.

A set of dinky screw drivers is handy and it would have helped if I’d realised the drive cage was screwed to the laptop frame before I started prising at it with the big screwdriver but no harm done.

I actually found replacing the hard drive on my laptop easy than replacing or adding a drive to a desktop. Whenever I’ve added a hard drive to a desktop there has been cursing and skinned knuckles in removing/adding the power connector and unseemly cowboying of the drive into some ill fitting drive cage using left over grub screws. Compared to this working on the Vaio was a joy. You might want to test the “lie of the land” on your own model of laptop in terms of accessibility to the drive. My suspicion is that it will be generally straightforward since laptops often have the drive size as an option.

The moment of truth is rebooting after installation – this Just WorkedTM  which was a relief. First hints of improved performance were in re-encrypting the hard drive. Decrypting the conventional drive the peak IO transfer rate was about 30MB/s whilst with the SSD drive the peak was around 150MB/s. Opening up Microsoft Office applications is much snappier, as is opening Sublime Text. I should probably have a go at uploading a multi-gigabyte CSV file to MySQL, which I know is heavily IO bound but I can’t be bothered. All in all my laptop just feels rather more responsive.

I played a bit with the supplied diagnostic wizard software but didn’t think much of it, so promptly uninstalled it.

Overall: much more straightforward and less scary than I anticipated – I recommend this approach to anyone with a laptop to refresh and a modicum of courage.

*This logic brought to you by Mrs SomeBeans and her Yamaha Thundercat purchase!