Category: Technology

Programming, gadgets (reviews thereof) and computers

The London Underground: Should I walk it?


This post was first published at ScraperWiki.

With a second tube strike scheduled for Tuesday I thought I should provide a useful little tool to help travellers cope! It is not obvious from the tube map but London Underground stations can be surprisingly close together, very well within walking distance.

Using this tool, you can select a tube station and the map will show you those stations which are within a mile and a half of it. 1.5 miles is my definition of a reasonable walking distance. If you don’t like it you can change it!

The tool is built using Tableau. The tricky part was allowing the selection of one station and measuring distances to all the others. Fortunately it’s a problem which has been solved, and documented, by Jonathan Drummey over on the Drawing with Numbers blog.

I used Euston as an origin station to demonstrate in the image below. I’ve been working at the Government Digital Service (GDS), sited opposite Holborn underground station, for the last couple of months. Euston is my mainline arrival station and I walk down the road to Holborn. Euston is coloured red in the map, and stations within a mile and a half are coloured orange. The label for Holborn does not appear by default but it’s the one between Chancery Lane and Tottenham Court Road. In the bottom right is a table which lists the walking distance to each station, Holborn appears just off the bottom and indicates a 17 minute walk – which is about right.

Should I walk it

The map can be controlled by moving to the top left and using the controls that should appear there. Shift+left mouse button allows panning of the map view. A little glitch which I haven’t sorted out is that when you change the origin station the table of stations does not re-sort automatically, the user must click around the distance label to re-sort. Any advice on how to make this happen automatically would be most welcome.

Distances and timings are approximate. I have the latitude and longitude for all the stations following my earlier London Underground project which you can see here. The distances I calculate by taking the Euclidean distance between stations in angular units and multiplying by a factor which gives distances approximately the same as those in Google Maps. So it isn’t a true “as the crow flies” distance but is proportional to it. The walking times are calculated by assuming a walking speed of 3 miles and hour. If you put your cursor over a station you’ll see the name of the station with the walking time and distance from your origin station.

A more sophisticated approach would be to extract more walking routes from Google Maps and use that to calculate distances and times. This would be rather more complicated to do and most likely not worth the effort, except if you are going South of the river.

Mine is not the only effort in this area, you can see a static map of walking distances here.

Visualising the London Underground with Tableau

This post was first published at ScraperWiki.

I’ve always thought of the London Underground as a sort of teleportation system. You enter a portal in one place, and with relatively little effort appeared at a portal in another place. Although in Star Trek our heroes entered a special room and stood well-separated on platforms, rather than packing themselves into metal tubes.

I read Christian Wolmar’s book, The Subterranean Railway about the history of the London Underground a while ago. At the time I wished for a visualisation for the growth of the network since the text description was a bit confusing. Fast forward a few months, and I find myself repeatedly in London wondering at the horror of the rush hour underground. How do I avoid being forced into some sort of human compression experiment?

Both of these questions can be answered with a little judicious visualisation!

First up, the history question. It turns out that other obsessives have already made a table containing a list of the opening dates for the London Underground. You can find it here, on wikipedia. These sortable tables are a little tricky to scrape, they can be copy-pasted into Excel but random blank rows appear. And the data used to control the sorting of the columns did confuse our Table Xtract tool, until I fixed it – just to solve my little problem! You can see the number of stations opened in each year in the chart below. It all started in 1863, electric trains were introduced in the very final years of the 19th century – leading to a burst of activity. Then things went quiet after the Second World War, when the car came to dominate transport.


Originally I had this chart coloured by underground line but this is rather misleading since the wikipedia table gives the line a station is currently on rather than the one it was originally built for. For example, Stanmore station opened in 1932 as part of the Metropolitan line, it was transferred to the Bakerloo line in 1939 and then to the Jubilee line in 1979. You can see the years in which lines opened here on wikipedia, where it becomes apparent that the name of an underground line is fluid.

So I have my station opening date data. How about station locations? Well, they too are available thanks to the work of folk at Openstreetmap, you can find that data here. Latitude-longitude coordinates are all very well but really we also need the connectivity, and what about Harry Beck’s iconic “circuit diagram” tube map? It turns out both of these issues can be addressed by digitizing station locations from the modern version of Beck’s map. I have to admit this was a slightly laborious process, I used ImageJ to manually extract coordinates.

I’ve shown the underground map coloured by the age of stations below.

Age map2

Deep reds for the oldest stations, on the Metropolitan and District lines built in the second half of the 19th century. Pale blue for middle aged stations, the Central line heading out to Epping and West Ruislip. And finally the most recent stations on the Jubilee line towards Canary Wharf and North Greenwich are a darker blue.

Next up is traffic, or how many people use the underground. The wikipedia page contains information on usage, in terms of millions of passengers per year in 2012 covering both entries and exits. I’ve shown this data below with traffic shown at individual stations by the thickness of the line.


I rather like a “fat lines” presentation of the number of people using a station, the fatter the line at the station the more people going in and out. Of course some stations have multiple lines so get an unfair advantage. Correcting for this it turns out Canary Wharf is the busiest station on the underground, thankfully it’s built for it. Small above ground beneath it is a massive, cathedral-like space.

More data is available as a result of a Freedom of Information request (here) which gives data broken down by passenger action (boarding or alighting), underground line, direction of travel and time of day – broken down into fairly coarse chunks of the day. I use this data in the chart below to measure the “commuteriness” of each station. To do this I take the ratio of people boarding trains in the 7am-10am time slot with those boarding 4pm-7pm. For locations with lots of commuters, this will be a big number because lots of people get on the train to go to work in the morning but not many get on the train in the evening, that’s when everyone is getting off the train to go home.


By this measure the top five locations for “commuteriness” are:

  1. Pinner
  2. Ruislip Manor
  3. Elm Park
  4. Upminster Bridge
  5. Burnt Oak

It was difficult not to get sidetracked during this project, someone used the Freedom of Information Act to get the depths of all of the underground stations, so obviously I had to include that data too! The deepest underground station is Hampstead, in part because the station itself is at the top of a steep hill.

I’ve made all of this data into a Tableau visualisation which you can play with here. The interactive version shows you details of the stations as your cursor floats over them, allows you to select individual lines and change the data overlaid on the map including the depth and altitude data that.

The Third Way

macbook_airOperating Systems were the great religious divide of our age.

A little over a year ago I was writing about my experiences setting up my Sony Vaio Windows 8 laptop to run Ubuntu on a virtual machine. Today I am exploring the Third Way – I’m writing this on a MacBook Air. This is the result of a client requirement: I’m working with the Government Digital Service who are heavily Mac oriented.

I think this makes me a secularist in computing terms.

My impressions so far:

Things got off to a slightly rocky start, the MacBook I’m using is a hand-me-down from a departing colleague. We took the joint decision to start from scratch on this machine and as a result of some cavalier disk erasing we ended up with a non-booting MacBook. In theory we should have been able to do a reinstall over the internet, in practice this didn’t work. So off I marched to our local Apple Store to get things sorted. The first time I’d entered such an emporium. I was to leave disappointed, it turned out I needed to make an appointment for a “Genius” to triage my laptop and the next appointment was a week hence, and I couldn’t leave the laptop behind for a “Genius Triage”. Alternatively, I could call Apple Care.

As you may guess this Genius language gets my goat! My mate Zarino was an Apple College Rep – should they have called him a Jihadi? Could you work non-ironically with a job title of Genius?

Somewhat bizarrely, marching the Air to the Apple Store and back fixed the problem, and an hour or so later I had a machine with an operating system. Perhaps it received a special essence from the mothership. On successfully booting my first actions were to configure my terminal. For the initiated the terminal is the thing that looks like computing from the early 80s – you type in commands at a prompt and are rewarded with more words in return. The reason for this odd choice was the intended usage. This MacBook is for coding, so next up was installing Sublime Text. I now have an environment for coding which superficial looks like the terminal/editor combination I use in Windows and Ubuntu!

It’s worth noting that for the MacBook the bash terminal I am using is a native part of the operating system, as it is for the Ubuntu VM on Windows the bash terminal is botched on to make various open source tools work.

Physically the machine is beautiful. My Vaio is quite pretty but compared to the Air it is fat and heavy. It has no hard disk indicator light. It has no hard disk, rather a 256GB SSD which means it boots really fast. 256GB is a bit small for me these days, with a title of data scientist I tend to stick big datasets on my laptop.

So far I’ve been getting used to using cmd+c and cmd+v to copy and paste, having overwritten stuff repeatedly with “v” having done the Windows ctrl+v. I’m getting used to the @ and ” keys being in the wrong place. And the menu bar for applications always appearing at the top of the screen, not the top of the application window. Fortunately the trackpad I can configure to simulate a two button mouse, rather than the default one button scheme. I find the Apple menu bar at the top a bit too small and austere and the Dock at the bottom is a bit cartoony. The Notes application is a travesty, a little faux notebook although I notice in OS X Mavericks it is more business-like.

For work I don’t anticipate any great problems in working entirely on a Mac, we use Google Apps for email and make extensive use of Google Docs. We use online services like Trello, GitHub and Pivotal in place of client side applications. Most the coding I do is in Python. The only no go area is Tableau which is currently only available on Windows.

I’ve never liked the OS wars, perhaps it was a transitional thing. I grew up in a time when there were a plethora of home computers. I’ve written programs on TRS-80s, Commodore VIC20, Amstrad CPC464s, Sinclair ZX81 and been aware of many more. At work I’ve used Dec Alphas, VAX/VMS and also PCs and Macs. Latterly everything is one the web, so the OS is just a platform for a browser.

I’m thinking of strapping the Air and the Vaio back to back to make a triple booting machine!



Sublime Text

Coders can be obsessive about their text editors. Dividing into relatively good natured camps. It is text editors not development environments over which they obsess and the great schism is between is between the followers of vim and those of Emacs. The line between text editor and development environment can be a bit fuzzy. A development environment is designed to help you do all the things required to make working software (writing, testing, compiling, linking, debugging, organising projects and libraries), whilst a text editor is designed to edit text. But sometimes text editors get mission creep.

vim and emacs are both editors with long pedigree on Unix systems. vim‘s parent, vi came into being in 1976, with vim being born in 1991, vim stands for “Vi Improved”. Emacs was also born in 1976. Glancing at the emacs wikipedia page I see there are elements of religiosity in the conflict between them.

To users of OS X and Windows, vim and emacs look and feel, frankly, bizarre. They came into being when windowed GUI interfaces didn’t exist. In basic mode they offer a large blank screen with no icons or even text menu items. There is a status line and a command line at the bottom of the screen. Users interact by issuing keyboard commands, they are interfaces with only keyboard shortcuts. It’s said that the best way to generate a random string of characters is to put a class of naive computer science undergraduates down in front of vim and tell them to save the file and exit the program! In fact to demonstrate the point, I’ve just trapped myself in emacs  whilst trying to take a screen shot.


vim, image by Hermann Uwe

GNU emacs-[1]

emacs, image by David Mundy

vim and emacs are both incredibly extensible, they’re written by coders for coders. As a measure of their flexibility: you can get twitter clients which run inside them.

I’ve used both emacs and vim but not warmed to either of them. I find them ugly to look at and confusing, I don’t sit in front on an editor enough of the day to make remembering keyboard shortcuts a comfortable experience. I’ve used the Matlab, Visual Studio and Spyder IDEs but never felt impassioned enough to write a blog post about them. I had a bad experience with Eclipse, which led to one of my more valued Stackoverflow answers.

But now I’ve discovered Sublime Text.

Sublime Text is very beautiful, particularly besides vim and emacs. I like the little inset in the top right of my screen which shows the file I’m working on from an eagle’s perspective, the nice rounded tabs. The colour scheme is subtle and muted, and I can get a panoply of variants on the theme. At Unilever we used to talk about trying to delight consumers with our products – Sublime Text does this. My only wish is that it went the way of Google Chrome and got rid of the Windows bar at the top.

Not only this, as with emacs and vim, I can customise Sublime Text with code or use other packages other people have written and in my favoured language, Python.

I use Sublime Text mainly to code in Python, using a Git Bash prompt to run code and to check it into source control. At the moment I have the following packages installed:

  • Package Control – for some reasons the thing that makes it easy to add new packages to Sublime Text comes as a separate package which you need to install manually;
  • PEP8 Autoformat – languages have style guides. Soft guidelines to ensure consistent use of whitespace, capitalisation and so forth. Some people get very up tight about style. PEP8 is the Python style guide, and PEP8 autoformat allows you to effortlessly conform to the style guide and so avoid friction with your colleagues;
  • Cheat Sheets – I can’t remember how to do anything, cheat sheets built into the editor make it easy to find things, and you can add your own cheat sheets too;
  • Markdown Preview – Markdown is a way  of writing HTML without all the pointy brackets, this package helps you view the output of your Markdown;
  • SublimeRope – a handy package that tells you when your code won’t run and helps with autocompletion. Much better than cryptic error messages when you try to run faulty code. I suspect this is the most useful one so far.
  • Git and GitGutter – integrating Git source control into the editor. Git provides all the Git commands on a menu whilst GitGutter adds markers in the margin (or gutter) showing the revision status. These work nicely on Ubuntu but I haven’t worked out how to configure them on Windows.
  • SublimeREPL – brings a Python prompt into the editor. There are some configuration subtleties here when working with virtual environments.

I know I’ve only touched the surface of Sublime Text but unlike other editors I want to learn more!

Face ReKognition


This post was first published at ScraperWiki. The ReKognition API has now been withdrawn.

I’ve previously written about social media and the popularity of our Twitter Search and Followers tools. But how can we make Twitter data more useful to our customers? Analysing the profile pictures of Twitter accounts seemed like an interesting thing to do since they are often the faces of the account holder and a face can tell you a number of things about a person. Such as their gender, age and race. This type of demographic information is useful for marketing, and understanding who your product appeals to. It could also be a way of tying together public social media accounts since people like me use the same image across multiple accounts.

Compact digital cameras have offered face recognition for a while, and on my PC, Picasa churns through my photos identifying people in them. I’ve been doing image analysis for a long time, although never before on faces. My first effort at face recognition involved using the OpenCV library. OpenCV provides a whole suite of image analysis functions which do far more than just detect faces. However, getting it installed and working with the Python bindings on a PC was a bit fiddly, documentation was poor and the built-in face analysis capabilities were poor.

Fast forward a few months, and I spotted that someone had cast the ReKognition API over the images that the British Library had recently released, a dataset I’ve been poking around at too. The ReKognition API takes an image URL and a list of characteristics in which you are interested. These include, gender, race, age, emotion, whether or not you are wearing glasses or, oddly, whether you have your mouth open. Besides this summary information it returns a list of feature locations (i.e. locations in the image of eyes, mouth nose and so forth). It’s straightforward to use.

But who should be the first targets for my image analysis? Obviously, the ScraperWiki team! The pictures are quite small but ReKognition identified I was a “Happy, white, male, age 46 with no glasses on and my mouth shut”. Age 46 is a bit harsh – I’m actually 39 in my profile picture. A second target came out “Happy, Indian, male, age 24.7, with glasses on and mouth shut”. This was fairly accurate, Zarino was 25 when the photo was taken, he is male, has his glasses on but is not Indian. Two (male) members of the team, have still not forgiven ReKognition for describing them as female, particularly the one described as a 14 year old.

Fun as it was, this doesn’t really count as an evaluation of the technology. I investigated further by feeding in the photos of a whole load of famous people. The results of this are shown in the chart below. The horizontal axis is someone’s actual age, the vertical axis shows their age predicted by ReKognition. If the predictions were correct the points representing the celebrities would fall on the solid line. The dotted line shows a linear regression fit to the data. The equation of the line y = 0.673x (I constrained it to pass through zero) tells us that the age is consistently under-predicted by a third, or perhaps celebrities look younger than they really are! The R2 parameter tells us how good the fit is: a value of 0.7591 is not too bad.


I also tried out ReKognition on a couple of class photos – taken at reunions, graduations and so forth. My thinking here being that I would get a cohort of people aged within a year of each other. These actually worked quite well; for older groups of people I got a standard deviation of only 5 years across a group of, typically, 10 people. A primary school class came out at 16+/-9 years, which wasn’t quite so good. I suspect the performance here is related to the fact that such group photos are taken relatively carefully and the lighting and setup for each face in the photo is, by its nature, the same.

Looking across these experiments: ReKognition is pretty good at finding faces in photos, and not find faces where there are none (about 90% accurate). It’s fairly good with gender (getting it right about 80% of the time, typically struggling a bit with younger children), it detects glasses pretty well. I don’t feel I tested it well on race. On age results are variable, for the ScraperWiki set the R^2 value for linear regression between actual and detected ages is about 0.5. Whilst for famous people it is about 0.75. In both cases it tends to under-estimate age and has never given an age above 55 despite being fed several more mature celebrities and grandparents. So on age, it definitely tells you something and under certain circumstances it can be quite accurate. Don’t forget the images we’re looking at are completely unconstrained, they’re not passport photos.

Finally, I applied face recognition to Twitter followers for the ScraperWiki account, and my personal account. The Summarise This Data tool on the ScraperWiki Platform provides a quick overview of the data added by face recognition.


It turns out that a little over 50% of the followers of both accounts have a picture of a human face as their profile picture. It’s clear the algorithm makes the odd error mis-identifying things that are not human faces as faces (including the back of a London Taxi Cab). There’s also the odd sketch or cartoon of a face, rather than a photo and some accounts have pictures of famous people, rather than obviously the account holder. Roughly a third of the followers of either account are identified as wearing glasses, three quarters of them look happy. Average ages in both cases were 30. The breakdown in terms of race is 70:13:11:7 White:Asian:Indian:Black. Finally, my followers are approximately 45% female, and those of ScraperWiki are about 30% female.

We’re now geared up to apply this to lists of Twitter followers – are you interested in learning more about your followers? Then send us an email and we’ll be in touch.