Author's posts
Nov 27 2014
Book review: Linked by Albert-László Barabási
This review was first posted at ScraperWiki.
I am on a bit of a graph theory binge, it started with an attempt to learn about Gephi, the graph visualisation software, which developed into reading a proper grown up book on graph theory. I then learnt a little more about practicalities on reading Seven Databases in Seven Weeks, which included a section on Neo4J – a graph database. Now I move on to Linked by Albert-László Barabási, this is a popular account of the rise of the analysis of complex networks in the late nineties. A short subtitle used on earlier editions was “The New Science of Networks”. The rather lengthy subtitle on this edition is “How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and Everyday Life”.
Nov 17 2014
A couple of days ago everyone on twitter (and off) was very excited: ESA landed a probe called Philae on a comet shaped like a duck. I was going to write about the appropriateness or otherwise of ESA project scientist Matt Taylor’s shirt – it featured quite a few scantily-clad ladies.
On the face of it the story should have been: man wears offensive shirt on TV, people point out that it’s offensive, man removes shirt, man apologises. That is what happened, Matt Taylor seems a nice enough chap who made a mistake which he rectified and gave, what I’d consider, a proper apology.
The moment has passed, better writers than me have written a lot about the incident, but it has highlighted a theme.
The women that said the shirt was offensive received a torrent of abuse, including threats of sexual violence, and the men who did exactly the same thing didn’t. Friends on twitter did experiments where one (male) tweeted exactly the same thing as his (female) partner and got completely different responses: immediate abuse, continuing over 48 hours in the case of the woman, very little for the man. I’ve been moderately vocal and received pretty much nothing in terms of abuse, certainly in the first instance. It’s all very well saying that people should report abuse then move on, or that the threats are empty. But overwhelmingly it is women being threatened, not men. Twitter’s reporting mechanisms are restrictive and they appear unconcerned. And a threat is empty until it isn’t, and then it’s too late.
Several women I know simply don’t comment on “contentious” issues online because they know what response they’ll get. And this happens again and again and again and again and again and again.
Over the last few years on twitter I’ve come to realise that women lead different lives to me, they experience a whole bunch of things that I’ve never even contemplated as a risk. Since I joined I’ve learnt of:
- the woman stuck in a pub toilet with men outside threatening to gang rape her;
- the woman who cycles to work in London who gets groped and catcalled on a regular basis;
- the women who never finished their PhDs because their male supervisors considered them to be sexual prey;
- the women in science communication who were never quite sure whether whether they were published on merit or because the editor of that website had designs on them;
- the women who don’t go on scientific field trips because basically they are too dangerous;
- the women at conferences who think carefully about getting into a lift alone with a man;
- the woman that won’t walk along the canal towpath in broad daylight;
- the woman who wants her named removed from a football ground if they re-employ a convicted and unrepentant rapist and gets rape threats in return;
- the woman who was sexually assaulted on a train;
- the women who said it would be nice to have women on banknotes, and were threatened with rape;
- the woman who supported immigration on Question Time and received abuse, and a bomb threat;
- the woman who was going to give a talk about the portrayal of women in computer games but was cancelled because of the death threats made against her and the audience;
- the woman who has suffered domestic violence;
- the women who were groped by a senior party official, who never showed any remorse when uncovered;
- the women who doesn’t wear headphones in the street;
- the woman who gets followed on the London Underground;
Some of these are high profile public incidents, others are not but they are all women doing ordinary, unexceptional things. They’re spread over a number of years, and I follow a fair number of people. But nevertheless, regardless of public statistics, they are something that never impinged on me in the past.
I didn’t like the term feminist because it always brought to mind those women that told me everything men did was wrong but now I realise I was wrong. The feminists are the people that speak up and say “That thing you are doing is wrong“, the women in that group are attacked mercilessly in a way the men aren’t. I allowed my impressions of those women to be dominated by their attackers.
Apologies for being so slow on the uptake, I’m trying to do better in future.
Nov 15 2014
Landing on a comet
There was a striking contrast in the office on Friday between the former practicing scientists and the developers, with an open data background, who were bemoaning the slowness with which results were being reported by the ESA team looking after the Rosetta orbiter and the Philae lander.
As I pointed out, many years ago I sat in an instrument hutch at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory trying to work out what the hell was going on with my experiment downstairs, behind an interlocked door, being flooded with a beam of invisible neutrons. It was possible that I was discovering new and important science. But on the other hand it was also possible that the goniometer third from the left on my sample changer was up to its usual tricks and had failed to move when instructed. We couldn’t tell from the frankly inadequate early nineties video feed. The only way to find out was to wait for the experiment to finish and go and eyeball the damn thing.
Goniometer number 3 had failed, again.
Peter, who did his PhD at CERN, replied – “what he said!”
Nov 12 2014
Book review: Seven databases in Seven Weeks by Eric Redmond and Jim R. Wilson
This review was first published at Scraperwiki.
I came to databases a little late in life, as a physical scientist I didn’t have much call for them. Then a few years ago I discovered the wonders of relational databases and the power of SQL. The ScraperWiki platform strongly encourages you to save data to SQLite databases to integrate with its tools.
There is life beyond SQL databases much of it evolved in the last few years. I wanted to learn more and a plea on twitter quickly brought me a recommendation for Seven databases in Seven Weeks by Eric Redmond and Jim R. Wilson.
The book covers the key classes of database starting with relational databases in the form of PostgreSQL. It then goes on to look at six further databases in the so-called NoSQL family – all relatively new compared to venerable relational databases. The six other databases fall into several classes: Riak and Redis are key-value stores, CouchDB and MongoDB are document databases, HBase is a columnar database and Neo4J is a graph database.
Relational databases are characterised by storage schemas involving multiple interlinked tables containing rows and columns, this layout is designed to minimise the repetition of data and to provide maximum query-ability. Key-value stores only store a key and a value in the manner of a dictionary but the “value” may be of a complex type. A value can be returned very fast given a key – this is the core strength of the key-value stores. The document stores MongoDB and CouchDB store JSON “documents” rather than rows. These documents can store information in nested hierarchies which don’t necessarily need to all have the same structure this allows maximum flexibility in the type of data to be stored but at the cost of ease of query.
HBase fits into the Hadoop ecosystem, the language used to describe it looks superficially like that used to describe tables in a relational database but this is a bit misleading. HBase is designed to work with massive quantities of data but not necessarily give the full querying flexibility of SQL. Neo4J is designed to store graph data – collections of nodes and edges and comes with a query language particularly suited to querying (or walking) data so arranged. This seems very similar to triplestores and the SPARQL – used in semantic web technologies.
Relational databases are designed to give you ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability), essentially you shouldn’t be able to introduce inconsistent changes to the database and it should always give you the same answer to the same query. The NoSQL databases described here have a subtly different core goal. Most of them are designed to work on the web and address CAP (Consistency, Availability, Partition), indeed several of them offer native REST interfaces over HTTP which means they are very straightforward to integrate into web applications. CAP refers to the ability to return a consistent answer, from any instance of the database, in the face of network (or partition) problems. This assumes that these databases may be stored in multiple locations on the web. A famous theorem contends that you can have any two of Consistency, Availability and Partition resistance at any one time but not all three together.
NoSQL databases are variously designed to scale horizontally and vertically. Horizontal scaling means replicating the same database in multiple places to provide greater capacity to serve requests even with network connectivity problems. Vertically scaling by “sharding” provides the ability to store more data by fragmenting the data such that some items are stored on one server and some on another.
I’m not a SQL expert by any means but it’s telling that I learnt a huge amount about PostgreSQL in the forty or so pages on the database. I think this is because the focus was not on the SQL query language but rather on the infrastructure that PostgreSQL provides. For example, it discusses triggers, rules, plugins and specialised indexing for text search. I assume this style of coverage applies to the other databases. This book is not about the nitty-gritty of querying particular database types but rather about the different database systems.
The NoSQL databases generally support MapReduce style queries this is a scheme most closely associated with Big Data and the Hadoop ecosystem but in this instance it is more a framework for doing queries which maybe executed across a cluster of computers.
I’m on a bit of a graph theory binge at the moment so Neo4J was the most interesting to me.
As an older data scientist I have a certain fondness for things that have been around for a while, like FORTRAN and SQL databases, I’ve looked with some disdain at these newfangled NoSQL things. To a degree this book has converted me, at least to the point where I look at ScraperWiki projects and think – “It might be better to use a * database for this piece of work”.
This is an excellent book which was pitched at just the right level for my purposes, I’ll be looking for more Pragmatic Programmers books in future.
Oct 28 2014
Exploring the ONS
This post was first published at ScraperWiki.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the United Kingdom statistical body charged by the government with the task of collecting and publishing statistics related to the economy, population and society of England and Wales at national, regional and local levels. The data is typically published in the form of Excel spreadsheets.
The ONS is working on opening up their data, and making it more accessible to users. We’ve been doing a bit of work to help with that. This is typical of a number of jobs we have done. A customer has a website containing content which they want to move/process/republish elsewhere. The current website might have been built by aggregation over a number of years, and the underlying structure of the Content Management System may not be available to them. In these circumstances making a survey of the pre-existing content is an obvious first step.
The index for the ONS reference tables and datasets can be found here. Each dataset has a title, a release date, and the type of dataset. There is also a URL to the dataset inside the title field there is an indication of the size of the file. We wrote a simple scraper to collect these pieces of information.
First up, we’ll looking at the topics of the data released. There are a couple of routes into discovering these, one is to read the titles, this is OK as an approach but the titles are quite wordy and sometimes it isn’t clear what they refer to. An alternative, in this case, is to look at the URLs to the documents.They look something like this:
This can be quite revealing since even if the website is not explicit about its structure the URLs can reveal the structure the builder used. We process the URLs by splitting them at the backslashes. The first part is common to all the URLs. Subsequent parts we can use to define a hierarchy. In this case we will focus on the fourth part of the hierarchy – “labour-market-statistics” in this instance, this gives us a human readable description of a topic. There are approximately 400 topics as defined by this metric as opposed to 90 or so defined by the third level of the hierarchy. Using the fourth level of the hierarchy key areas of the website by numbers of documents are:
- Labour market statistics
- National population projections
- Family spending
- Subnational labour market statistics
- Census
- Annual survey of hours and earnings.
We can visualise this as a treemap, here I am simply showing the top 20 areas by number of documents:
These 20 topics cover approximately the two thirds of the total number of documents.
We can identify file types using the file extension in the URL, this approach needs to be used a little cautiously since sometimes the extension doesn’t match the file type. Most of the files are Excel spreadsheets although there are a few CSV and zip files, the zip files containing Excel spreadsheets. CSV appears to have been used for some of the older datasets. Most of the files are pretty small, less than 290kb but there are a few up to much larger sizes.
Finally we can look at the release dates for the datasets. There are datasets from as far back as 1988, in fact the data set released in 1988 actually refers to data from 1984. There are some data released regularly from about 2001 but from 2011 a wider range of data has been released on a regular basis. We can see the monthly pattern of data releases in this timeline for 2014 which is restricted to the top 20 topics identified above:
This shows the big releases of labour market statistics, both national and regional, on the third Wednesday of each month. Other monthly releases include retail sales and producer prices data. And every week provisional figures on the registration of deaths in England and Wales are reported.
You can explore these data yourself using the Tableau workbook here.
The actual content of these spreadsheets is another story.
This survey approach to a website is handy for a range of applications, and the techniques used are quite general. We’ve used similar approaches to understand government and newspaper websites.