Category: Miscellaneous

Odds and ends that don't fit into the main categories usually holidays, photography and personal stuff

Bad at games

A little while back I was sitting down with colleagues for coffee, we were bemoaning the grim time we had at school in PE (physical education) lessons. My colleagues and I are all scientists, we excelled in other areas at school. For much of my school life I abhorred “games” lessons, if there were teams to be picked then I would be second to last to be selected – just before the fat kid in the class. I have a clear memory of members of my own team attacking me on the rugby pitch. These experiences were common to my colleagues. It isn’t even that I am particularly unfit, it was simply that I didn’t get on with organised team sports or activities; I couldn’t see the point.

My revelation was that there are no doubt a multitude of parallel groups that said the same of their maths lessons, physics lessons, English lessons… They did not excel at the activities with which they were presented, they couldn’t see the point of them and ultimately they have found they have little relevance to their vocations but they needed to get something from those lessons.

For me finding the way is simply to go to the gym three times a week at the crack of dawn, engaging in a variety of slightly pointless activities whilst listening to radio 4’s Today program and watching soundless “Heartbeat”. I wish my PE lessons had given me this 30 years ago.


Thomas Samuel was born 5:39am on Saturday 4th February 2012, weighing 6lb 2oz (imperial being the SI unit of measure for babies), the birth was by caesarean section. Baby and mum are both doing well. Here he is only a couple of minutes old:


And now, on the 7th February:



I don’t want to write about the details of the labour, it feels like an invasion of privacy, all I can say is that I now consider women to be heroes and scarily superhuman! I am a very proud dad.

More pictures here.

Chester Cathedral

Chester Cathedral from the North

After 7 years living in Chester I have finally gotten around to visiting the cathedral, actually it took a parental visit to get me over the threshold! It was a cold frosty morning in January when we visited.

I am an atheist, but culturally a Christian one, so in a sense I feel at home. I tend to see cathedrals as medieval moon-shots – endeavours of almost unbelievable scale for the time in which they were constructed. We approached the cathedral from the North, along the city walls. Passing along Abbey Street where we saw this rather skewed gateway:

A gate on Abbey Street

Charles Kingsley, author of “The Water Babies”, was canon at the cathedral and also founder of the Chester Natural Sciences Society. I will spare you the photo of the blue plaque from which I gleaned this information. On the way into the cathedral, the Cloisters.

The Cloisters

You’ll have to forgive me, I’m not too up on the nomenclature for ecclesiastical architectural features, here I am looking down the nave at the altar screen (probably). I’m having problems because of the large variations in light intensity within the scene. There is also some evidence for my problem of always taking photos at a tilt:

Looking East along the nave

A detail in the roof of the nave:

Detail of the roof in the Nave

Off the nave is the Consistory Court, this is the Apparitor’s Chair, or maybe it isn’t the information board hedged slightly on this point. The woodwork in the Consistory Court dates from the early 17th century.

Apparitor's Seat

This fabulous device is a Gurney Warm Air Stove, installed in the late 19th century. Sir Goldsworthy Gurney, the inventor of the stove, was an interesting chap.


Chester Cathedral was built in stages, based on a monastic Norman church built in 1093, there are some traces of this original building in the North Transept:

Detail in the North Transept

You can’t go to a cathedral without trying to photograph a stained-glass window:

Stained-glass window

The Choir Stalls, fantastically ornate and clearly difficult to dust:

Choir Stalls

Frustrated at trying to take photos of difficult to photo things, I thought I’d try something easier: the floor tiles:


That went well, I’ll do some more!


A detail of the ceiling in the the East Nave:

Detail of the ceiling in the East Nave

Stone detail in the Cloisters:

Stone detail in the Cloisters

Out into the Cloister gardens where there is this fine sculpture by Stephen Broadbent, from here we could hear the croaking of what sounded like ravens, however the little tinkers remained hidden in the heights of the cathedral tower so it was difficult to be sure:

Stephen Broadbent's Water of Life sculpture


I found cathedral photography rather challenging, the problems are that it’s dark and where it isn’t dark it’s very bright! The human eye-brain combination is terribly clever, it seamlessly accounts for enormous variations in brightness without any great degradation in the user experience. As a photographer this all becomes very obvious. There are workarounds: you can provide your own lighting or you can ramp up the sensitivity of your virtual film (increasing the ISO number), use a tripod (if that’s permitted) to allow longer exposure times, and take multiple shots at different exposures melding them into one shot (known as high dynamic range (HDR) imaging).

High dynamic range imaging and display are hot research areas. The problem on the display side is that if you display a picture of a bright window with a dark surround, even an HDR image, then the surround will “look” too dark. What you need to do is vary the brightness of pixels according to their surrounding pixels – it’s called “tone mapping”, precisely what algorithm you should use to do this is the subject of research.

Most of these shots were taken with my new Canon 50mm f/1.4 although a couple were done with the Canon 28-135mm. Next time I think I’ll try out my ultrawide angle lens: 10-22mm, handy for those smaller corners and perhaps a bit less prone to blur.

More on blogging…

Thanks to Athene Donald* at Occam’s Typewriter for nominating me for a Versatile Blogger Award:


I like to think I am a versatile blogger: I post on books, science, politics, photography, gadgets, and science policy. This is one of those slightly pyramid schemes, in which I’m willing to partake since I fancied listing a few of my favourite blogs. The rules of the scheme are as follows:

  1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers (gosh, that’s a lot)
  2. Inform the Bloggers of their nomination (I could do this in the style of a twitter spammer!)
  3. Share 7 random things about yourself (see below, tick)
  4. Thank the blogger who nominated you (see above, tick)
  5. Post the award badge. (see above, tick)

My blogging nominations:

  1. The Inelegant Gardener by @happymouffetard. This is my wife’s blog as you can see she has been making me cake, normally she blogs about plants and gardening.
  2. Shakespeare’s England by @daintyballerina. A blog about early modern England, quoting extensively from contemporary sources.
  3. Georgian London by @lucyinglis. It does exactly what it says on the tin: a blog about Georgian London from a social history perspective. A bit quiet these days as Lucy is writing a book of the same title.
  4. The Quack Doctor by @quackwriter. Vignettes of quackery, mainly through the medium of old adverts. Quackwriter aka Caroline Rance is also author of Kill-grief – a story of gin and Chester, both close to my heart.
  5. Billynojob by @billygottajob. We met him first when he was unemployed, now he’s gotta job! Thoughtful commentary on current affairs.
  6. The Renaissance Mathematicus by @rmathematicus. Angry ranting about the history of science.
  7. Reciprocal Space by @Stephen_Curry. Mainly about science policy and processes but also some science.
  8. Purple Persuasion by @Bipolarblogger, who has bipolar disorder. She blogs about things relating to her illness including handy hints for bystanders, which I value greatly.
  9. Andromeda Babe’s Blog by @andromedababe. An occasional blog, mostly about entertaining small children which I read anyway but feel will be essential in the near future.
  10. Stages of Succession by @morphosaurus. Blogs about teaching and a gecko, we “met” because she knew that tunicates “ate their own brains” at the end of their larval stage.
  11. RealClimate, “Climate Science by climate scientists”. This is what I look for in a science blog, up to date, sufficient detail to satisfy a scientist from outside the field.
  12. In Pursuit of History by @GentlemanSykes. A history blog, somewhat quiet since he has been freelancing his writing.
  13. Scott Hanselman’s Computer Zen by @shanselman. Computer things from a Microsoft perspective but also the last point on this.
  14. A Life in the day of a BASICS doctor. Reports from a British Association for Immediate Care doctor, harrowing and deeply moving.
  15. Zygoma by @PaoloViscardi. Mainly mystery objects from the Horniman Museum (on a Friday).

Perhaps a little surprisingly I don’t follow many science blogs, I get my science fixes from New Scientist, Nature, Physics World, and Communications of the ACM, three of them I even get on paper!

Seven random things about me:

  1. At the age of 41, I am to become a father for the first time!
  2. I grew up in Wool
  3. I carry the  ΔF508 variant of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene
  4. In 1986 I was at the top of the score table for Spindizzy in Computer & Video Games magazine
  5. I have no middle name
  6. For a few years I was a fellow of Pembroke College, Cambridge.
  7. I think Jerusalem Artichokes should be classified as “poisonous”.

And so I pass on to the next members of the chain, who should feel under absolutely no obligation to do anything about this at all!

*More properly Professor Dame Athene Donald, FRS who led the group I worked in at the Cavendish Laboratory.

Review of the year: 2011

Scan1At this time it is traditional to review the year just past, I struggle to be timely in my blogging but this is a target big enough to hit (preceded by some holiday, so I have time to do it). As always my efforts are partly for my own amusement but I’m also a desperate observer of my site traffic stats. If you ever feel the need to make someone happy, for very little effort, just randomly click onto a few pages!

I heroically continue on my chosen path as a Liberal Democrat. I made a few posts about the AV referendum, maybe the less said about that the better. I read “The Orange Book”, I found this more entertaining than I thought I would – it’s nice to see policy discussion beyond the length of a newspaper article. The rest of the year I satisfied myself with the odd, not particularly party political, rant. I also made a few posts on the House of Lords, both statistical and political. In this area the thing that affected me most was Terry Pratchett’s programme on assisted dying, which I wrote about here. That, and going on strike (here). The most read of my sort-of-political posts was on the New College of the Humanities, offering degrees for £18,000 per year, which seemed to induce a great rage in academics.

I still find the economy interesting: firstly, I wrote on looking at debt-deficit figures to find economies similar to that of the UK (here) – our neighbours in the phase diagram look distinctly unwell. Secondly, on deficit reduction by growth (here) – it 0.5% on growth per year is worth about £7bn, or a couple of pence on basic rate tax. I also read Niall Ferguson’s “The Ascent of Money” which gives a handy background for our current economic difficulties and also highlights the benefits of a well-functioning economic system.

This year the focus of my reading has been on the history of science, particularly in the late 18th century. This has included books on the Lunar Society, Erasmus Darwin and Edmond Halley. My favourite books of the year were Jean-Pierre Poirier’s biography of Antoine Lavoisier (Lavoisier: Chemist, Biologist, Economist) and Ken Alder’s book: “The Measure of All Things” on the measurement of the meridian from Dunkerque to Barcelona to define the length of the metre at the at the time of the French Revolution. For me science is a route into a more general appreciation of history.

A review of “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” by Rebecca Skloot is my most read post of the year, it’s about the woman whose cells were used to create the first immortal human cell-line. It’s a fine book, quite unlike any other science related book I have ever read – I suspect the popularity of the post is because it is timely (the book was published a year ago) and I can’t help thinking an awful lot of students have been sent to read it and are looking for a summary. The same goes for “In Defence of History” by R.J. Evans, which is a defence of the study of history against the post-modernists.

I had some fun writing about the French Académie des Sciences and lead mining in the Yorkshire Dales, without the support of a book to review.

A spin-off from my reading about maps, in particular Ken Alder’s book, was a rather obsessional quest to put the locations of all the triangulation points into a Google Map (here). Another enjoyable bit of programmatic fiddling was in playing with the catalogue of objects for the National Museum of Science and Industry (NMSI) which I called “Inordinately fond of bottles…” because it turns out the NMSI is home to a huge number of bottles of all descriptions. And there was also the Javascript timeline of British Wars, it’s always good to know when your scientist protagonists are being distracted by a war.

I still do some photography, on holidays in Hinterglemm, the Yorkshire Dales and the deep South Coast, which is where I grew up; on our expedition down the Sandstone Trail and on a photo tour of Chester, utilising some software for straightening photos of buildings taken with a very wide-angle lens. I also wrote about the Lytro re-focusable camera which takes an array of images meaning the focal plane of an image can be shifted in post-processing (here).

In July I moved my blog from Blogger to self-hosted WordPress. This was driven in part by Mrs SomeBeans for whom I made a website (Blue Poppy Garden Design) – on seeing what I had wrought I wanted one for myself! I made some notes on the process (here). Mrs SomeBeans is still ahead though – she has rather natty business cards.

Leaving the best to last; the most significant thing to happen for me this year is that Mrs SomeBeans is pregnant! The new arrival (codename Beetle) is due on 22nd February. It’s been an odd sort of time, we have prepared for the new arrival by getting a media server, replacing the patio, decorating and attending NCT classes. I haven’t written very much about it, perhaps for fear of a jinx and perhaps because it is very personal. I did do a bit of blogging, the dating scan (here) and the anatomy scan (here), I also got interested in ultrasound scanning (here).

I regret not writing more on current affairs, the earthquake in Japan and the various elements of the Arab Spring have been completely absent from my blog. I have a suspicion my blogging for the coming year will be replaced by nappy changing and other childcare activities.

Happy New Year!