As much for my own entertainment as anything, this is a list of all posts from newest to oldest, delineated by year.
- Book review: Roads in Roman Britain by Hugh Davies
- Game Review: Black Myth Wukong
- Book review: The Teenager’s Guide to Burnout by Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker
- Book review: An African History of Africa by Zeinab Badawi
- Book review: Understanding Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome in Children by Phil Christie, Margaret Duncan, Ruth Fidler and Zara Healey
- Rosetta Stone – Rust
- Review of the year: 2024
- Book review: The Rust Programming Language by Steve Klabnik and Carol Nichols
- Book review: Roman Britain – A New History by Guy de la Bédoyère
- Book review: Echolands by Duncan MacKay
- Book review: Beautiful Code edited by Andy Oram & Greg Wilson
- Book review: Daphne Draws Data by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic
- Book review: Anatomical Oddities by Professor Alice Roberts
- Book review: Britain BC by Francis Pryor
- Book review: Sound tracks by Graeme Lawson
- Book review: Buried by Professor Alice Roberts
- Book review: Crypt by Professor Alice Roberts
- Book review: An Immense World by Ed Yong
- Book review: A Philosophy of Software Design by John Ousterhout
- Book review: Her Space, Her Time by Shohini Ghose
- Review of the year: 2023
- Book Review: Grace Hopper – Admiral of the Cyber Sea by Kathleen Broome Williams
- Book review: How the world thinks by Julian Baggini
- Rosetta Stone – TypeScript
- Rosetta Stone – Python
- A Rosetta Stone for programming ecosystems
- Book review: Broad Band by Claire L. Evans
- Book review: The First Astronomers by Duane Hamacher
- Book review: Foreign Bodies: Pandemics, Vaccines and the Health of Nations by Simon Schama
- Book review: Storytelling with you by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic
- Book review: Femina by Janina Ramirez
- Book review: The Mythical Man-month by Frederick Brooks Jr.
- Book review: The Earth Transformed by Peter Frankopan
- Leaving Address
- Book review: Masterminds of Programming by Federico Biancuzzi and Shane Warden
- Book review: Resonate by Nancy Duarte
- Book review: Data Points by Nathan Yau
- Book review: Margaret the First – A Biography of Margaret Cavendish by Douglas Grant
- Book review: Storytelling with data by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic
- Book review: The Man from the Future by Ananyo Bhattacharya
- Book review: On Savage Shores by Caroline Dodds Pennock
- Book review: Richard Trevithick – Giant of Steam by Anthony Burton
- Book review: The Wood Age by Roland Ennos
- Review of the year: 2022
- Book review: Dutch Light by Hugh Aldersey-Williams
- Versioning in Python
- Software Engineering for Data Scientists
- Book review: Curious devices and mighty machines by Samuel J.M.M. Alberti
- Book review: Writing and script – A very Short Introduction by Andrew Robinson
- Book Review: Kingdom of Characters by Jing Tsu
- Book review: Data mesh by Zhamak Dehgani
- Book review: The Art of More by Michael Brooks
- Book review: Play it Loud by Brad Tolinski and Alan Di Perna
- A way of working: data science
- Book review: Pale Rider – The Spanish Flu of 1918 by Laura Spinney
- Book review: Railways and The Raj by Christian Wolmar
- Book review: Software Design Decoded by Marian Petre and André van der Hoek
- Book review: Ask a historian by Greg Jenner
- Understanding, setup.cfg and pyproject.toml in Python
- Book review: The Programmer’s Brain by Felienne Hermans
- Book review: Natives by Akala
- Review of the year: 2021
- Book review: Index, A history of the by Dennis Duncan
- Book review: Empireland by Sathnam Sanghera
- Book review: Much ado about mothing by James Lowen
- Book review: Audio Production Basics with Ableton Live by Eric Kuehnl
- Python Documentation with Sphinx
- Book review: Precolonial Black Africa by Cheikh Anta Diop
- Book review: Ancestors by Professor Alice Roberts
- Book review: The Code Breaker by Walter Isaacson
- Book review: Guitar Looping – The Creative Guide by Kristof Neyens
- Book review: Data Pipelines with Apache Airflow by Bas P Harenslak and Julian R De Ruiter
- Book review: Guitar Pedals by Rob Thorpe
- Book review: The Goddess & The Bull by Michael Balter
- Book review: Riffs: How to Create and Play Great Guitar Riffs by Rikky Rooksby
- Book review: Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race by Reni Eddo-Lodge
- Book review: Eye of the Beholder by Laura J. Snyder
- Book review: How to Write Songs on Guitar by Rikky Rooksby
- Book review: Hidden Histories by Mary-Ann Ochota
- Book review: Guitar Method – Music Theory by Tom Kolb
- Book review: Exercises in Programming Style by Cristina Videira Lopes
- Book review: Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake
- Book Review: History of Britain in Maps by Philip Parker
- Review of the year: 2020
- Order of service
- Book review: The Address Book by Deirdre Mask
- Eulogy for Andrew Hopkinson
- Book review: Black and British: A Forgotten History by David Olusoga
- Unit testing in Python using the unittest module
- Book review: The clock and the camshaft by John Farrell
- Book review: A house through time by David Olusoga & Melanie Backe-Hansen
- Book review: Your voice speaks volumes by Jane Setter
- Book review: 1491 by Charles C. Mann
- Type annotations in Python, an adventure with Visual Studio Code and Pylance
- Book review: Science City by Alexandra Rose and Jane Desborough
- Gear review: Boss RC-3 Loop station
- Home improvements: Conservatory edition
- Book review: The Pope of Physics by Gino Segrè and Bettina Hoerlin
- Book review: Sea monsters on Medieval and Renaissance Maps by Chet van Duzer
- Strategies for dealing with anxiety
- Book Review: The Egg & Sperm Race by Matthew Cobb
- Book review: How the States got their Shapes by Mark Stein
- Book review: You look like a thing and I love you by Janelle Shane
- Review of the year: 2019
- Book review: Higher and Colder by Vanessa Heggie
- Book review: Deep learning with Python by François Chollet
- Book review: Superior by Angela Saini
- Book review: Gods and Robots by Adrienne Mayor
- Book review: Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann
- Book review: Sprint by Jake Knapp
- Book review: Matthew Boulton: Selling What All the World Desires by Shena Mason
- Book review: Lost in Math by Sabine Hossenfelder
- Book review: The Culture Map by Erin Meyer
- Book review: Empires of Knowledge by Paula Findlen
- Book review: Intermediate Method by Justin Sandercoe
- Book review: JavaScript Patterns by Stoyan Stefanov
- Book review: The Birth of Loud by Ian S. Port
- Book review: Eloquent Javascript by Marijn Haverbeke
- Book review: How brands grow by Byron Sharp
- Book review: Hedy’s Folly by Richard Rhodes
- Book review: The Practical Guide to Modern Music Theory for Guitarists by Joseph Alexander
- Book review: Beginner’s Course by Justin Sandercoe
- Book review: Mapping Society by Laura Vaughan
- Review of the year: 2018
- Book review: What’s your type? by Merve Emre
- Me and my guitar
- Book review: Inferior by Angela Saini
- Book review: Milk of Paradise by Lucy Inglis
- Book review: The Silk Roads by Peter Frankopan
- Book review: Behavioural Marketing by Dave Walters
- Book review: Data Strategy by Bernard Marr
- Book review: Chrysalis: Maria Sibylla Merian and the Secrets of Metamorphosis by Kim Todd
- Westendorf
- Book review: Nabokov’s Favourite Word is Mauve by Ben Blatt
- Book review: Sentimental Savants by Meghan K. Roberts
- Book review: The Devil’s Doctor by Philip Ball
- Book review: The Anatomy of Colour by Patrick Baty
- Book review: Other minds by Peter Godfrey-Smith
- Book review: Hands-on machine learning with scikit-learn & tensorflow by Aurélien Géron
- Book review: The Philosophical Breakfast Club by Laura J. Snyder
- Book review: William Armstrong–Magician of the North by Henrietta Heald
- Book reviews: Christmas Extravaganza!
- Book review: Fraud analytics by B. Baesens, V. Van Vlasselaer and W. Verbeke
- Review of the year: 2017
- Book review: Leviathan and the air-pump by Steven Shapin & Simon Schaffer
- Book review: The Art of Strategy by Avinash K. Dixit and Barry J. Nalebuff
- Scala – installation behind a workplace web proxy
- Book review: Pandora’s Breeches by Patricia Fara
- Book review: Chester AD400-1066 by David Mason
- Book review: Life in a late medieval city by Jane Laughton
- Book review: The Comet Sweeper by Claire Brock
- Book review: Inventing Temperature by Hasok Chang
- ARK exhibition at Chester Cathedral
- Book review: Numbers and the making of Us by Caleb Everett
- Book review: Women in Science by Rachel Ignotofsky
- Book Review: Scala for the Impatient by Cay S. Horstmann
- Book review: The Man Who Ate the Zoo by Richard Girling
- Book review: BDD in Action by John Ferguson Smart
- Book review: Where the Animals Go by James Cheshire and Oliver Uberti
- A real opposition
- And they’re off!
- Book review: Man of Iron by Julian Glover
- Book Review: Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly
- Book review: Working effectively with legacy code by Michael C. Feathers
- Women Writers
- Book review: Weapons of Math Destruction by Cathy O’Neil
- Book review: I contain multitudes by Ed Yong
- Book review: The Headspace Guide to Mindfulness & Meditation by Andy Puddicombe
- Review of the year: 2016
- Book review: Elasticsearch–The Definitive Guide by Clinton Gormley & Zachary Tong
- Book review: Roman Chester by David J.P. Mason
- The Logging module in Python
- Book review: The Invention of Science by David Wootton
- Book review: Beautiful JavaScript edited by Anton Kovalyov
- Book review: The Runner’s Handbook by Bob Glover
- Book review: Essential SQLAlchemy by Jason Myers and Rick Copeland
- Book review: Test-Driven Development with Python by Harry J.W. Percival
- Book review: The Book of the Edwardian & Interwar House by Richard Russell Lawrence
- Book review: The Company by John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge
- Book review: The Seven Pillars of Statistical Wisdom by Stephen M. Stigler
- A question for Theresa May
- Benllech
- Book review: SPQR–A History of Ancient Rome by Mary Beard
- The EU Referendum
- Book review: Maphead by Ken Jennings
- Book review: Lab Girl by Hope Jahren
- Book review: Mauve by Simon Garfield
- Book review: Coalition by David Laws
- Book review: An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems by Ian Heywood et al
- Ride
- The Running Man
- Book review: A New History of Life by Peter D. Ward and Joe Kirschvink
- Book review: Artificial intelligence for Humans: Volume 3 Deep Learning and Neural Networks by Jeff Heaton
- Book Review: The Honourable Company by John Keay
- Book review: Pro Git by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub
- Book review: A History of the 20th Century in 100 Maps by Tim Bryars an Tom Harper
- Review of the year: 2015
- Book review: Risk assessment and Decision Analysis with Bayesian Networks by N. Fenton and M. Neil
- Book review: Spark GraphX in Action by Michael S. Malak and Robin East
- Book review: The Invention of Nature by Andrea Wulf
- Parsing XML and HTML using xpath and lxml in Python
- Book Review: Canals: The making of a nation by Liz McIvor
- Book review: Effective Computation in Physics by Anthony Scopatz & Kathryn D. Huff
- Analysing LIDAR data for the UK
- Book review: High Performance Python by Micha Gorelick & Ian Ozsvald
- A Docker environment for Windows (October 2015 edition)
- Book review: The Son also Rises by Gregory Clark
- Book review: The Values of Precision edited by M. Norton Wise
- Book Review: Stargazers–Copernicus, Galileo, the Telescope and the Church by Allan Chapman
- The London Underground – Can I walk it?
- Book review: Docker Up & Running by Karl Matthias and Sean P. Kane
- Book Review: Learning Spark by Holden Karau, Andy Konwinski, Patrick Wendell and Matei Zaharia
- Portinscale 2015
- Book review: Your Inner Fish by Neil Shubin
- Book review: Gut by Giulia Enders
- Book review: Mastering Gephi Network Visualisation by Ken Cherven
- Book review: Cryptocurrency by Paul Vigna and Michael J. Casey
- Everyone is awesome, no one is to blame
- A cockroach emerges…
- General Election 2015–expected declaration times
- Clown-car democracy
- Book review: The Information Capital by James Cheshire and Oliver Uberti
- A letter to a constituent…
- Adventures in Kaggle: Forest Cover Type Prediction
- Book review: How Linux works by Brian Ward
- Electoral Predictions
- …when the sun is eclipsed by the moon
- Book review: Engineering Empires by Ben Marsden and Crosbie Smith
- Book review: Data Science at the Command Line by Jeroen Janssens
- Book review: Remote Pairing by Joe Kutner
- Git–notes
- Book review: Sextant by David Barrie
- Book review: Graph Databases by Ian Robinson, Jim Webber and Emil Eifrem
- Review of the year: 2014
- Book review: Maskelyne – Astronomer Royal edited by Rebekah Higgitt
- To infinity and beyond! Or how I replaced my hard disk with an SSD
- NewsReader – the developers story
- Book review: Linked by Albert-László Barabási
- Feminism
- Landing on a comet
- Book review: Seven databases in Seven Weeks by Eric Redmond and Jim R. Wilson
- Exploring the ONS
- Asus T100 Transformer
- Book review: Pompeii by Mary Beard
- Book review: Graph Theory and Complex Networks by Maarten van Steen
- Book review: Network Graph Analysis and visualization with Gephi by Ken Cherven
- Book review: Falling Upwards by Richard Holmes
- Of Matlab and Python
- Inordinately fond of beetles… reloaded!
- Book review: Big data by Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier
- Book review: Greenwich Time and the Longitude by Derek Howse
- Book review: Degrees Kelvin by David Lindley
- Book review: Finding Longitude by Richard Dunn, Rebekah Higgitt
- Book review: The Shock of the Old by David Edgerton
- Book review: Half a wife by Gaby Hinsliff
- Book review: Fire & Steam by Christian Wolmar
- Book Review: The Idea Factory by Jon Gertner
- Book review: Learning SPARQL by Bob DuCharme
- Book review: The Undercover Economist Strikes Back by Tim Harford
- The London Underground: Should I walk it?
- Book review: Data Science for Business by Provost and Fawcett
- Visualising the London Underground with Tableau
- Book review: The Signal and the Noise by Nate Silver
- San Sebastian, aka Donostia
- Book review: Darwin’s Ghosts by Rebecca Stott
- The Third Way
- Messier and messier
- Sublime
- Face ReKognition
- Book review: Hadoop in Action by Chuck Lam
- Book review: Python for Data Analysis by Wes McKinney
- Trainspotting
- Book review: Mining the Social Web by Matthew A. Russell
- Book review: Data Mining – Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques by Witten, Frank and Hall
- The BIG Lottery Data
- Review of the year: 2013
- Book review: Tableau 8 – the official guide by George Peck
- Git!
- A place in the country
- Trento
- Book Review: Backroom Boys by Francis Spufford
- Book Review: Georgian London–Into the Streets by Lucy Inglis
- Pevsner Architectural Guide – Liverpool by Joseph Sharples
- More rant on higher education
- Book review: The Tableau 8.0 Training Manual – From clutter to clarity by Larry Keller
- Book review: A history of the world in twelve maps by Jerry Brotton
- Making a ScraperWiki view with R
- Photographing Liverpool
- pdftables – a Python library for getting tables out of PDF files
- Book review: The Subterranean Railway by Christian Wolmar
- Book Review: Clean Code by Robert C. Martin
- Book review: Chasing Venus by Andrea Wulf
- Testing, testing…
- Posting abroad: my book reviews at ScraperWiki
- Book review: Natural Language Processing with Python by Steven Bird, Ewan Klein & Edward Loper
- Book review: Empire of the Clouds by James Hamilton-Paterson
- Three years of electronic books
- Book review: Interactive Data Visualization for the web by Scott Murray
- Book review: JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford
- Book review: R in Action by Peter Harrington
- Book review: Machine Learning in Action by Peter Harrington
- Book review: Data Visualization: a successful design process by Andy Kirk
- Book review: The Dinosaur Hunters by Deborah Cadbury
- Book review: The Eighth Day of Creation by Horace Freeland Judson
- Enterprise data analysis and visualization
- More Shiny – Sony Vaio T13 laptop with Windows 8
- Windows 8 and Ubuntu 12.10 on a Sony Vaio T13 laptop
- Review of the year: 2012
- Book review: The Sleepwalkers: A History of Man’s Changing Vision of the Universe by Arthur Koestler
- By Jupiter!
- Book Review: Alan Turing: The Enigma by Andrew Hodges
- Industrial collaboration agreements: bald men fighting over a comb?
- The Milky Way
- Harlech
- GCSE results through the ages
- Expertise in the House of Lords
- Sharepoint–how do I hate thee?
- Why I’m a liberal, and Giles Fraser isn’t
- The Peevish Olympic Spectator
- Lords Reform – aftermath
- My letter to Sir David Attenborough…
- Plastic Pots…
- Book review: A computer called LEO by Georgina Ferry
- Book Review: The Geek Manifesto by Mark Henderson
- Book Review: Huygens–The Man Behind the Principle by C.D. Andriesse
- Beeston Castle
- Book Review: Visualize This by Nathan Yau
- Book Review: The History of Clocks & Watches by Eric Bruton
- The sky at night!
- Book review: Measure of the Earth by Larrie D. Ferreiro
- First light–images of the sun
- Celestron NexStar 5Se – a 125mm reflecting telescope
- Revisions to UK GDP data
- Doppelgänger…
- Book Review: Stargazers by Fred Watson
- Bad polling
- Board of Longitude
- Book Review: Adapt by Tim Harford
- Book Review: The Great Arc by John Keay
- Book Review: Decoding the Heavens by Jo Marchant
- Book Review: The Etymologicon by Mark Forsyth
- I am Dr Faustus
- Childcare for scientists
- Bad at games
- Arrival…
- Chester Cathedral
- More on blogging…
- Strike 2!
- “Nick Clegg plans more employee ownership”
- Freedom!
- “French-maid Breast Implants”
- Book Review: The First American by H.W. Brands
- Review of the year: 2011
- ‘Planned 49% limit’ for NHS private patients in England
- Calendar 2012
- Like distant thunder…
- The Peevish Physicist
- The Eurozone
- Strike!
- Case-sensitive
- House of Lords register of members interests
- On charity…
- Book Review: The Illustrated Pepys edited by Robert Latham
- Let he who is without sin cast the first stone…
- Going Home
- Book review: Edmond Halley Charting the Heavens and the Seas by Alan Cook
- Science is Vital – careers edition
- It’s probably a boy!
- Ada Lovelace Day
- British Wars–presented in fancy Javascript timeline format
- “Too much, too young”
- Book review: Ingenious Pursuits by Lisa Jardine
- Photographing Chester
- Get Organised!
- Don’t call me scum*
- Medical ultrasound imaging
- Book review: The Lunar Men by Jenny Uglow
- Friday rant
- Photovoltaic solar power – one year on
- Living in code
- The British sport of bashing the bankers
- The Sandstone Trail
- Surprise!
- University is not the universe
- Book Review: “Erasmus Darwin: A life of Unequalled Achievement” by Desmond King-Hele
- Still love the NHS?
- Book review: “The Orange Book: Reclaiming Liberalism”
- Book review: “At Home: A short history of Private Life” by Bill Bryson
- Lead mining in the Yorkshire Dales
- Reeth
- Book review: “In defence of History” by R.J. Evans
- The Two Cultures
- Computational Photography
- Book review: Map of a Nation by Rachel Hewitt
- Universities and knowledge
- The Weekly Rage
- “Ridiculously long vacations”?
- Book Review: The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward R. Tufte
- Choosing to die
- How do I setup my own website?
- The New College of the Humanities
- House of Lords Reform
- The House of Lords by numbers
- More news from the shed…
- “Progressive Alliance”
- Post-election Reflection 2011
- Lavoisier: Chemist, Biologist, Economist by Jean-Pierre Poirier
- The naming of things
- L’Académie des Sciences
- The elephant in the room
- Self-interest and electoral perversions
- Yes to AV!
- Book Review: The Chemist Who Lost His Head by Vivian Grey
- Obsession
- Book review: The Measure of All Things by Ken Alder
- Book review: The Ascent of Money by Niall Ferguson
- Inordinately fond of bottles…
- Book review: Doomsday Men by P.D. Smith
- Far, far away
- An Ethical Foreign Policy
- Photographs, videos and GPS
- Book Review: For all the tea in China by Sarah Rose
- Book review: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
- Hinterglemm
- Book review: Lives of the Engineers by Samuel Smiles
- Deficit reduction through growth
- Which country is the UK like economically?
- Book Review: The Third Man by Peter Mandelson
- An electoral thought experiment
- No Merger!
- Book review: Mutants by Armand Marie Leroi
- Review of the year: 2010
- Book review: Isambard Kingdom Brunel by L.T.C. Rolt
- Christmas Calendar 2010
- What’s on the end of the stick?
- Nevil Maskelyne and Maiden-pap
- 27 days to power in May
- This makes me angry
- Tuition Fees
- Book review: Trilobites! by Richard Fortey
- Kindle-ing
- A little bit of politics
- First Life
- A diversion in my life
- Poor attendance record in the House of Lords?
- A Coalition candidate for Oldham East and Saddleworth?
- Why the other ways don’t work
- Book review: The Scientific Revolution and the Origins of Modern Science by John Henry
- Yields from income tax
- Questions for undergraduates… cabinet edition
- Fun with fluids!
- Book review: God’s Philosophers by James Hannam
- Early reports of the Royal Society
- Children and numbers
- Book review: The History of the Royal Society of London by Thomas Sprat
- Regulation and reward
- Book review: The Map that Changed the World by Simon Winchester
- Wallpaper paste and the giant death ray
- Science is Vital – history repeating 1667
- Book Review: The Fellowship by John Gribbin
- God and the scientist
- Sunlight
- More colours than the rainbow
- “Intimidating equations”
- 100 days later: A Lib Dem view
- Journalists unable to cope with the conditional?
- A piece of land
- An Englishman’s Home is his Castle
- Bamboo Pen and Touch
- A set of blog posts on SQL
- Some notes on SQL: 7 – Subqueries, combining selections and views
- Spider silk
- Some notes on SQL: 6 – Multi-table operations
- The Periodic Table
- Some notes on SQL: 5 – database design
- On choice
- Some notes on SQL: 4 – Advanced select
- How does a magnet work?
- The Lake District – Santon Bridge
- A brief return to politics – the Budget
- Some notes on SQL: 3 – changing a table
- Book review: Botany of Desire by Michael Pollan
- Some notes on SQL: 2 – Basic SELECT
- Some notes on SQL: 1 – creation
- A sceptical look at the economy
- Compare and contrast
- That’s nice, dear
- Book review: The World of Gerard Mercator by Andrew Taylor
- Understanding mayonnaise
- Go back to your constituencies and prepare for government!
- May you live in interesting times…
- I was up for Evan Harris
- No sleep ’til Batley!
- Economics: The physics of money?
- Opinion polls and experimental errors
- Occupations of MPs
- Book review: Joseph Banks by Patrick O’Brian
- Lasers go oooooommmmmmm
- Why I’m voting Liberal Democrat
- Experiments for obsessive compulsives
- Caerwys – a breezy spring walk
- A brief history of gadgets
- Bug-eyed monsters from the planet Tharg
- Bashing the bishops
- Seeing Further: A Blaggers Guide (Part 1)
- Seeing Further: A Blagger’s Guide (Part 2)
- The Green Scientist
- On being a fellow of Pembroke college
- The Presidents of the Royal Society (reprise)
- The Royal Society and the data monkey
- And the winner is…
- A letter to the Institute of Physics
- Book review: The Age of Wonder by Richard Holmes
- The Misanthrope
- Westendorf
- Publication, publication, publication
- Why is that butterfly blue?
- Mother, do you think they’ll drop the Bomb?
- Caverns measureless to man
- We are the angry mob
- Follow Friday – a post for twitterers…
- Making Science and Engineering a Policy Issue
- The science of Shrek
- SomeBeans’ feeling for snow
- Happy New Year!
- What kind of scientist am I? (audio version)
- A walk along the Shropshire Union Canal
- Grant Applications II
- What kind of scientist am I?
- Happy Christmas
- The Professionals
- Drowning by numbers
- Wordless Wednesday
- A jigsaw not a House of Cards
- Confocal microscopy
- There may be blue skies ahead
- Wordless Wednesday
- A short story about scientific impact
- Wonderful Life
- Wordless Wednesday
- Not Waving but Drowning
- Wordless Wednesday
- The past is a foreign country
- Wordless Wednesday
- Pretty molecular models
- Wordless Wednesday
- Bryn Alyn – an autumn walk
- Professor Nutt and the classification of harm through the misuse of drugs
- Who Dr.?
- Wordless Wednesday
- Talkin’ about my generation
- Wordless Wednesday
- Twitter, rumours and physics
- Confessions of a Twitter addict
- Wordless Wednesday
- Superconductivity
- Wordless Wednesday
- Schrodinger’s flippin’ cat!
- An introduction to the big and shiny
- The Mock Magnetic Resonance Imaging Machine
- The Dorothy Hopkinson Memorial Solar Panel
- 57 varieties
- The Scientist